Chapter 33- Olive Garden and Nope-Salad

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Sorry the updates have been slow but school is almost over and I'll be back at it. Also I've been watching Supernatural like nobody's business, I'm in season 9 and I'm dying can we please just     not. Anyway back to the story.

---Meghan's Pov---

"Thanks for coming everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this night it was great to perform for you. You're an amazing audience." I yelled to the crowed through the mic ad the went out and we walked off stage.

"MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" I shouted after we walked of stage. I was ready to slap him. He'd been acting all couple-Y since he told Jasey he was my Prince.

"Meggy ca-" he started but I cut him off.

"Michael use my name when I'm angry at you." I replied face flushed with anger.

"Sorry just can we talk about this?" He asked and I almost gave into his puppy dog eyes.

"No!" I spoke. "Calum is taking me to the dinner he owes me." I finished deciding Calum got my time tonight.

"Wait so you're dating Calum?" He asked and I broke.

"IM SINGLE OKAY IM NOT ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH ANYONE." I finished. And at that moment Calum walks over to me.

"Let's grab that dinner." He smiled at me and we walked out the doors even if we were tired and a little sweaty.

"I smell terrible don't judge me." I sighed knowing I had just built up the B.O.

"Nah it's cool. I was just gonna go to a drive through and maybe a park?" He asked trying to plan a nice dinner.

"No parks I hate them. But how about we go to a gas station as weird as it sounds it's fun." I said coming up with an excuse not to go to a park. Parks were attached to Jason and I wasn't ready for anything that involves Jason yet. Right now all I could think of was I finally had someone who would be my best friend. And that was Calum someone who was there for me.

"Or we could just go to like Olive Garden fancy but not super fancy." He smiled and I laughed.

"Yeah let's just do that." And I drove us to Olive Garden cause heaven forbid Calum actually have a drivers license.


"This was fun." I smiled as we got back to the bus.

"Yeah it was and Meghan I just want you to know I'm not attracted to you. You're gorgeous but you're like my little sister and I just wanted to be there for you okay?" He says worriedly and I sigh in relief.

"Thank goodness cause right now I could use another brother." I smiled and we get out of Liz's car she followed us and we rode in the tour bus.

"Alright I guess you have a few things to clear up with Michael." He says and we walk into the bus. Before I do anything I take off my makeup and get into my cozy jammies.

"Mikey." I called when I finally had all of my comfy clothes on.

"In the back, Black Ops." He says and I sigh knowing he would be playing video games.

"Can we talk." I say doing what I can to control the anger knowing he thought it was funny to act like a couple when I felt that I needed to me alone romantically.

"Yeah look I'm sorry I know you want to stay single but it's subconscious for me to just take care of you and want you to be happy." He says and my heart melts a little.

"Michael I like you okay but I don't want a relationship. I just want everything to calm down my last 3 boyfriends have cheated on me. I'm not ready to start again emotionally. I can't and you're making it super difficult. You're all cute and nice and I can't handle it because I really just want to kiss you. But, I have to control myself and it's important that I do." I tell him trying to rely my feelings without getting too frustrated.

"Meg, just let it go." He whispers leaning in and I let him and I honestly loved kissing Michael. I could do it all day and I felt this attachment to him and this was not helping. I heard a gasp and turned to see Luke covering the eyes of a stuffed penguin.

"Nope, nope-ty nope nope, big bowl of nope. I'll take this nope to the Nope-Festival. I'll win first place with my big bowl of ultimate Nope-Salad." Luke laughs and I can't help but laugh with him. Honestly, what was this tour I'm in jammies, Luke is covering the eyes of a stuffed penguin cause he found me kissing his band mate who happened to be wearing booty shorts that said DAT on the back and a Metallica tank top. Honestly we had to be crazy on this bus.

"Luke." Michael says trying to find an explanation to this.

"No Michael I'm really not okay with this." Luke exasperated as he walked out of the room. "Also please don't tell Ashton." Then he passed the door frame.

"Tell me what?" Ashton yells across the room.

"Michael and I got caught by Luke and we were playing tonsil tennis." I announce and Ashton yells.


"Tonsil tennis." Michael whines looking back at me.

"Hey it's the best I could come up with." I retort.

"Wanna finish the match?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows and I let out a very loud snort and then laughed.

"You have a game to play and I desperately need some sleep." I tell him walking out of the back room. I lay in my bunk and let the world fade out.


I woke up slowly to the sound of someone's voice.

"I can't believe after all of this you kissed me. I'm falling for you and you kissing me didn't help. I just want your happiness but I want it to be with me. That doesn't make sense but I really like you. You keep saying things like you want to be with me. Then you say you don't and honestly I would do anything for you to be with me." Mikey spoke as he kept speaking and I fell asleep to the sound of his beautiful voice.

I hope you liked it let me know how you felt about all the little ~~~ time skips. I liked them but if you guys don't I'll stop putting them in. Loads of love, Meghan.

A School Assignment -M.C.-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat