Chapter 20:

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The rain and Thunder woke me up.. I looked to my right and there was my baby sleeping. He had so many scratch marks on his back that I couldn't even count them. I kissed and rubbed his back. Jungkook turned over "Good morning my princess" he said smiling. I kissed him. "Good morning my prince" I smiled. He pulled me closer to him. I had this thought in my head and it wouldn't escape.

"Baby?" I asked Jungkook. He had his head buried in my back. "Hmm?" He asked. "What would happen to us if my brother found us?" I asked. Jungkook didn't say anything. "Baby?" I looked over at and he was asleep.
"Baby!" I shaked him.
"Hmmm" he said. All I could do was smile and laugh. "What's so funny?" Jungkook asked. I just kept laughing.
"Princess whats so funny?" He asked. I didn't say anything. "Oh! So your not going to say anything now?" He said as he got up on top of me. I kept my mouth shut smiling and laughing. Jungkook started biting and sucking on my neck.
"You going to say it? Jungkook said.
I shook my head no.
"Well, princess your in for it now. Your a bad girl... you need to get punished" he said biting his lip. He held my arms behind my head with his hands.
My eye's were rolling in the back of my head. My toes were curling.
I looked at Jungkook and he was biting his lip.
"You like that babygirl?" He asked. I moaned yes.

"You going to tell me now?" He asked. I bite my lip and said no.

Jungkook went faster and harder.
"Tell me babygirl" he said seductively.

I still said no biting my lip. It felt amazing. Didn't want him to stop
"You asked for it baby" Jungkook said biting his lip.
Jungkook went even faster and lift my legs in the air. I was moaning louder. Jungkook covered my mouth with hand then went down to kiss me.

We finally finished.. we both looked at eachother and kissed. JESUS! Jungkook held me close and played with my hair.
"What did you want to ask me baby?" He asked

I giggled. "I said goofball.. What would happen to us if my brother found us?"
Jungkook went quiet.
"Y/N I really don't know.. all I know he would be really pissed off." He said.
"I hate hiding us " I said upset. Jungkook was still playing with my hair.
"I know baby.. trust me I hate it too " as he kissed my head.

While we were cuddling his phone went off. He put his boxers on and answered his phone.

"Hey boss.. what's up? Whats the plan for today?... Going where?.... Ulsan? Alright... Just me today?... Okay.. alright ...bye".

Jungkook got off the phone with my brother. He didn't look okay.

"Baby are you okay?" I asked. His jaw tighten up and he clenched his hand.
"Baby?" I asked again nervous. He grabbed his head with his hands and sat down. I sat closer to him and rubbed his back. "Jungkook what happened?" I asked again.

"I got to go with Jimin and Taehyung on this assignment... hopefully they don't piss me off" he said annoyed.

I rubbed and kissed his back. "If they do ignore it. Your coming home back to me
they aren't. The don't have a purpose... you do. They are just trying to get under your skin. Cause I'm yours and Taehyung can't have me. And he doesn't like that. And Jimin is his little puppet. So ignore them..don't listen to them okay?" I said to him rubbing his back.

Jungkook looked at me and smiled.
"Y/N you are my purpose and always will be. I love you so much " he smiled and kissed me. Jungkook got up and jumped in the shower. I snuck into the shower with him. He turned around and kissed me. It got hot and steamy in the shower.

We finally got out.. I was brushing my hair and he held me close and kissed my neck and my cheek. He was all dressed for work. "I love you baby.. I'll see you later " he said and kissed me goodbye. I turned and watch him leave out the window.

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