Chapter 39:

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I was so dehydrated... All that drinking I did last night. Geez, I don't think I'm going to drink for a while. But, I was with michelle having a good time. She got my mind off things. It was actually nice having a girl around. I couldn't do that with the guys. I got up and walked down to the kitchen.

I was super thirsty... I walked in the kitchen and opened the fridge door. I didn't know what I wanted to drink. There was nothing. So I got a water bottle... I closed the door of the fridge and as soon as I turned around... There was Jungkook right behind me.

We just stared at each other... My heart was beating so fast. I felt like crying right in front of him. But I cried so much they wouldn't come out. Tears started welling up in my eyes...

It looked like he was crying too... His eyes were all red and puffy. He made a smirk and scratched his head.

I put my head down.... tears left my eyes rolling down my cheeks. I was nervous... Shaking... I didn't know what to say... I was speechless.

I couldn't take this anymore... Being in front of him was hurting me. I kept my head down and started walking away. Crying harder. Jungkook grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. Our eyes met.

Jungkook looked at me... He held me close to him. I looked away cause I couldn't look at him. I hurt him really bad and it killed men Jungkook pulled my face back to him.

This was killing me.. who was going to talk first. My heart was pounding faster. Jungkook wiped the tears from my cheeks. I kept crying the more he wiped them. He hugged me tight and kissed my head.

I had to be the stronger person... Since this was all my fault. As much as I didn't want to say anything.... I had to because I loved him and I didn't want us to be this way.

"I...I.. I'm so... Sorry" I said crying. I couldn't get the words out properly. I couldn't control myself.

"I...I... Didn't.. mean...for..." I said sobbing .... crying hard.

"I.... Love...y-yo" I couldn't even finish. Jungkook cupped my face and kissed me. He wouldn't let me go..

I missed his touch... his kisses... I missed being around him 24/7. But I messed it all up.

Jungkook held me closer to him and grabbed my waist as we kissed. I missed this so much. Tear were still rolling down my cheeks. How could I be such and idiot and hurt the man I'm so deeply in love with. He wouldn't let me go.

We stopped kissing and our foreheads were touching. He wiped the tears that were still falling. Jungkook kissed me again. My heart was pounding fast. The butterflies came.

"I love you princess" he said looking at me. He smiled a little. Hearing him call me that I started crying again.

"Baby... Stop It's okay. Please stop crying. I don't like to see you cry. Everything is alright." He said upset.

I couldn't stop. I was so stupid. I was mad at myself for doing this to him. Ruining everything..

Jungkook picked me up and carried me to my room. We finally got to my room and he closed the door behind him. And we laid on my bed. He held me close and we continued to kiss.

"I love you princess so much" he said.

" too" I said sobbing.

Jungkook moved the hair from my face. And caressed my cheeks wiping the tears away. He kissed my nose.

I smiled a little but I felt like major shit.

"I'm.. really really sorry... I should've never said that. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I don't even know why I asked that. You don't know how much you mean to me. I love you so fucking much. And my stupid actions and fucking retarded question did this to us. Jungkook, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.... That wasn't my intention. I'm stupid.... I know you won't forg" I couldn't finish my sentence.

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