Chapter 62:

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Where was I? I smelt coffee... I woke up and the coffee was on the table. What the? It was set up perfect..Why am I on the couch? This is odd... random coffee out of no where?

I got off the couch with my coffee and went straight to my room to get a shower. As soon as I walked in the bathroom... there was a hot bath with the jets on waiting for me. With my favorite candles lit and my playlist playing. It the water was filled with my favorite scented bubbles.

I walked out shocked... kind of scared at this moment. What's going on? Why was this happening. I turned the water off and left my room...

This was freaking me the fuck out! I had to call Jess.


*Hey girly!*

"Hey... um... I'm pretty freaked out at the moment" I said

*Why what happened?*

"As soon as I woke up, there was coffee already set up for me... then I went to go get a shower and the bathtub was done with all my favorite things. It's scaring me right now... who could've done this? And plus set it up just how I like it on both things." I said nervous.

*WHAT! holy shit.. that is pretty scary. Like if I saw that shit I would be freaking out too*

"Like girl, I don't know what to do right now..."

*I don't know... hold on I'll call you back*


We hanged up.

I sat on my bed looking around... I didn't want to move. Has someone been watching me? How can they get two things that I like right?


(Jess Pov)

I had to call the guys...


"Hey!" I said

*What's up me and Jimin are in the car. He can hear you too*

*Hi Jess!* Jimin said

"So listen, she just called me.. she's freaking the fuck out!"

*Oh shit... I had a feeling she would be* Jimin said.

*So what do we do next?* Jungkook said.

"What was the other thing we planned? ....oh yeah! The thing by her dad's pond"

*I have a feeling she's going to be calling you all day* Jimin said.

"Well let's wait and see"

"Alright I'll talk to you later guys"



(Y/N Pov)

Okay, I hope there isn't no more random shit happening to me today. I walked in my closet to look for my bathing suit and it wasn't there. Where the hell is it???

I turned around and there it was hanging on my bed. How come I didn't see this before? But it looked different. I looked at it and there was another one behind it....

 I looked at it and there was another one behind it

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