Chapter 1

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It's hard trying to sleep when your bedroom is right next to the bathroom. You can hear literally everything that goes on in there thanks to the fake wall dividing the two rooms. You can hear the hot water tank humming to life whenever someone switches on the shower; the flushing of the toilet and the slamming of the seat if it's drops accidentally. You can even hear the puff of a fart that escapes quickly when someone sits down to take a piss. 

But the thing that keeps me up the most is the sound of my mum spewing the last remains of her stomach, the contents splashing into the toilet water below and her nose sniffing once she's done, with a light clear of the throat. 

It's absolutely awful and it makes my heart clench every time it happens- which is most nights. I heard her last night and once she was done I think she sat on the cold floor weeping as silently as she could which made things worse because I too, began to cry into my pillow. 

"Louis," Mum lightly announces, knocking on my door and it swooshes open. 

Just as I thought I could get a few minutes of shut eye, unbelievable. 

"Boobear, it's seven thirty, time to wake up." She tickles my foot that hangs out from the grey duvet and I shoot it back under the covers at the touch. 

"Five more minutes," I mumble, bringing the sheets up to my chin and rolling over to my left side away from the window which streaks gold light through the cracks in the blinds. 

"No Louis, you need to help me on the school run. The twins have school in half an hour and I need you to take Lottie to school, please." She pats my covered knee and I shrink further into the covers. 

Pitter patters on the carpet in the hallway sound and giggles break through the silence. I hear mum shuffle away towards my door.

"Get him up girls," she mutters and two sets of bodies pile on top of me, causing the breath to be knocked out of my lungs with an 'oof.'

"Wake up Louis!" Phoebe and Daisy say in unison, laughing and bouncing on top of the bed. 

I finally pry my eyes open and blink up at the two girls. I grab them by the waist and pull them down, kissing their cheeks and hair, tickling their tummies making them shriek in laughter. 

"Stop... t-that tickles," Daisy laughs, slapping at my hand. 

I let them go. "Go on you two, get out so I can change! I'll be down in a minute." They both oblige and run out the room, slamming the door behind them. 

My smile soon falters once they leave and I throw the covers away from my body, sighing. I groan as I get up like an old man and trudge towards my wardrobe, fishing out a black and white striped t-shirt, red jeans and some black braces. 

I like to have a bit of colour in my life in the hopes of making me feel a little bit of happiness- it's soon to work. 

Once I finish getting changed, I grab my school bag, shove my shitty essay inside and zip it up, throwing it over my shoulder. I look in the mirror and imagine the smiley tragedy mask being placed over my face and I force a smile as I walk out the room. 

"Girls, you need to get changed, please, I won't ask again." Mum's voice sounds tired as I round the corner into the kitchen to see Phoebe and Daisy fighting over the milk, the white stuff sloshes out the bottle and splashes on the counter, earning a tut from mum. 

"Right first one to get changed gets to style my hair later and they can choose any colour ribbon, clip or scrunchie they can find," I announce, sitting on one of the oak chairs. 

Both girls rush up stairs, footsteps thudding against the ceiling. 

Mum, leaning against the marble kitchen counter, has a hand resting against her forehead. "Thanks Louis." 

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