Chapter 41

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The butterfly house is a pretty glass panelled building situated in the village of Wotton Bridge.

As soon as we enter the house, we are slapped in the face with humidity. Compared to the heat outside, this is like standing inside a sauna.

The main room has a bridge with a Chinese style roof laying in the centre, a small pond running beneath it, homing kai fish, their scales of oranges and whites.

Liam and Zayn are further ahead, behind a family that are trying to capture photos of the fish instead of taking in their surroundings and the hundreds of beautifully winged butterflies fluttering around them.

There are many variety of plants and flowers that make the room burst with even more colour, looking like a rainbow has chucked up in here.

I have my hand securely linked with Harry's sweaty one, he keeps pointing out the butterflies that slowly fly past and tries to distinguish each species.

"That there is a common blue!" He exasperatedly states, pointing to a brown butterfly that lays against a large wild daisy, its body an indigo blue that spreads slightly into its wings.

"What about that one?" I ask, enjoying the way his eyes dazzle with each spot of the new species.

He looks over at the mustard coloured butterfly, its wings dotted with brown spots. It lifts off the flower it was resting on and lands on Niall's shoulder.

Niall's eyes widen as he sees it and then his face breaks out into a huge smile. "Guys look," he whisper-shouts, not wanting to startle the fragile creature. "It's on me! I'm gonna name him Derek!"

Liam laughs at the name choice and Zayn gives Niall a thumbs up.

"That's a comma," Harry points out, his dimples etching his cheeks.

"I thought a comma was a dash?" I jokingly reply.

He slaps me playfully in the chest. "We aren't in English class anymore you prick."

"In my defence, I don't dabble with English anymore, stopped that straight after I was done with GCSE."

"Liar, you wouldn't be speaking or reading books if you did." He pulls me into his side more.

I roll my eyes and watch as Derek decides to go back into flight. Niall waves him goodbye and we continue wondering into the next room, going through a plastic strip curtain.  When we go through it, the flaps brush against us with a sticky woosh sound.

The room is jam packed with more tropical plants and different tropical butterflies which states on the plaque against the wall that these are from the southeast.

"How do you even know about the types of butterflies anyway?" Niall wonders, softly touching a pink petal with his index finger.

Harry gives a short shrug. "My mum loves the garden and butterflies and bought a little book about the different species. When I was younger, I used to love taking the book to look at all the pretty colours and pictures, I guess as I grew up and began to learn to read, I memorized a lot of them."

"That's beautiful Harry," I say in admiration. He blushes.

Theres a case against the wall and we all shuffle over toward it to see caterpillars inching their way along the floors and glass, as well as cocoons and other stages of the butterfly being born before our eyes. One catalyst is breaking, revealing a newly created butterfly nesting inside, the wings wet and flimsy in a dark green shade.

"That's just amazing how these small little worm things can turn into such beautiful and admired creatures," I say almost in a sigh. I'm sounding a little too much like Harry and I straighten, giving my boyfriend a wink.

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