Chapter 9

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The birds noisily chirp outside the window, light streaming through the blinds, creating stripes of white to bounce off the opposing wall. Harry's still in my arms and I am not willing to open my eyes, too content in this moment to actually move or get up. My phone's alarm screeches to life, I feel Harry jolt from beneath me. 

"You're alarm," He mumbles into my arm that wraps around his chest. 

"Mmm." I press my head further into his back. 

"Aren't you meant to take your sisters to school?" God his morning voice is so much deeper and it makes my heart do a weird flip flop motion. 


"Shouldn't we be getting up?" 


"Are you going to?"

"MMmm," I reply as a means to no. 

He pats my hand, stroking my arm. "Loubear, c'mon, it's going to get late otherwise."

"I don't want to," I mutter, turning over to the cooler side of the pillow. I feel his side of the covers swoop away, cool air hitting my warm skin and his body loses contact with mine. He grabs my leg and begins to pull. "The fuck you doing?" I ask, eyes squint shut. 

"Getting... you... up!" He groans, pulling me further and further out from the covers until I fall to the floor with a thud. 

"Ow! My arse! I think you just broke a butt cheek!" I begin rubbing my sore bum and peel my eyes open. The sight in front of me is... well fuck it, it's amazing.

His curls poke out all over the place from tossing and turning in his sleep, his eyes have slight circles under neath them and he has no shirt on so his slight six pack is visible. I swallow.

"Can I use your shower?" He lightly scratches his arm, looking away. 

I chew on my bottom lip, moving my head up and down in agreement. "Don't take too long, if Lottie gets cold water, she'll have a hissy fit. I'll shower before her." 

He picks up his clothes from yesterday and goes to leave but I stop him before he can turn the door nob. 

"Wait. Do you want some fresh clothes? I'm sure I have a top that might fit you and maybe some joggers." I kick up off the floor and go to the wardrobe, rifling through it until I find a black t-shirt and some black joggers. I throw in some boxers too and hand them to him. 

"Thanks." With that, he goes to leave. 

While I wait, I go downstairs and get started on getting breakfast ready, putting toast in the toaster and putting cereal boxes on the table. I make the twins and fizzy a pack lunch consisting of some cheese sandwiches, sliced apple, cake bar and some Wotsits. I zip up the boxes and leave them on the side for later, filling up their water bottles and placing them in the pouches attached to the outside of each lunch box. 

I go back upstairs into my room just as the bathroom door unlocks. Harry comes in, plucking at a wedgie, the joggers coming up just above ankle. 

"Lou, I might need to go home and get some clothes because these boxers and joggers are not good for me."

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh, how so?" This'll be good.

He turns pink, looking anywhere but me. "It's cutting off circulation in my pee-pee and my bum." 

I burst out laughing. "...You're pee-pee?" 

He giggles, coming over and slapping me playfully on the chest. "Shut up! I think it might fall off!" 

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