Chapter 38

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Shanklin beach is fairly busy. Bodies scatter the sand, propped up in beach chairs and funky beach towels besides half made sand castles and tents, surrounded with wind breakers to prevent the coast breeze from blowing too hard down on them.

People are playing beach ball, surfing, bodyboarding, chasing waves and splashing around in the murky shallows.

We find a place close enough to the water so we don't have to walk far but not too close that the tide can lap at our feet. We previously went back to our tents to grab our swim wear and Zayn decided to buy a wind breaker.

The reason we didn't use the beach we have our tents at is because the waves were pretty much non existent so we went up shore to find the waves growing quite nicely.

Zayn's already sunbathing on his beach towel, suncream already scrubbed into his skin with help from Liam. Clifford bathing beside him.

"Ni, can you do my back please?" Liam asks, pointing to his back and holding out the bottle of suncream in his hand.

Niall grabs the bottle and squirts a generous amount into the palm of his hand and begins gathering it into the clear skin on Liam's back, going over the few freckles that dot here and there. Niall nudges me and bites down a laugh as he begins drawing a penis with the suncream, leaving a patch out so that the sun can mark it onto Liam.

I snort and Liam looks over at me with a furrowed brow.

I hold the bottle out for Harry and he much obliges my silent command, slowly massaging the stuff into my back and shoulders as I lay down on my towel beside Zayn, groaning slightly at the blissful feeling of his hands.

"Please, stop," Zayn mumbles, burying his head further into his towel, eyes closed shut behind his reflective sunglasses.

"Just because Liam didn't do a better job than Hazzabear," I shoot back with a grin.

"Aw Loubear," Harry coos, kissing the small of my back, near my bum.

Niall preps his own body with suncream, only needing Liam to rub it into his back and he opens a pack of salt and vinegar crisps from beside us, munching away at them.

Harry's knee bashes gently against my hip and I peep an eye open at him grinning down at me, handing me the bottle to rub into his back.

I grunt whilst sitting up, laying my legs either side of Harry's body as he sits cross legged in front of me.

I place a dollop onto his back and it slides down his spine.

He shrieks, shuddering under it. "It's cold!" He complains, curling his fingers into the towel.

I give a breathy laugh through the nose and press circular motions into his porcelain skin. It's beginning to tan slightly already and it brings out the few small freckles along his arms and back. I poke the dimple in his back and his muscle tenses, shying away from the feeling and he giggles.

"Stop that!" He leans into my chest when I move my hands to massage his shoulders. His eyes are half closed and he reaches his hand up to my hair, stroking it.

I lean us both down to the floor, him still in front of me, his head laying on my shirtless tummy. I caress his brown curly hair, feeling the pads of my fingers against the fluffy strands. He has a small smile on his face, content.

A pair of children run past us, screaming and laughing, feet pounding against the sand as they disappear. A sudden hit to the gut makes me realise I do miss my sisters and their loud laughter.

I sigh, closing my eyes slightly and listening to the waves crash against the shore; the sound of people talking and laughing around us, the sound of the seagulls, the sound of Harry's steady rise and fallen breaths and the sound of the rustling bag in Niall's hands.

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