Chapter 37

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Harry and I found some wood to build a fire, using matches from his little emergency kit he brought to set it alight. The red and orange flames lick at the wood, not going passed the barrier we made with some rocks found on the beach. The fire crackles and pops, sparking ash and spraying it up into the air like little stars until they burn out and float back to the ground. 

The others came back a while ago with a small BBQ and some meats to put onto it, as well as marshmallows and some salad stuff to have with the meat. Liam's taken it up to be the one to cook tonight, we all agreed that we'd all take turns to cook whenever we have a night in. 

Niall prances over to the BBQ, toes sticking with sand as the sea foam reached his ankles when he was paddling in the shallows just a minute ago. He goes to reach for a bit of potato salad that is beside Liam but Liam swats his hand away with the spatula that they also bought. 

"I'm hungry," Niall protests, going in for the potato salad again but Liam just whacks him in the head. 

"No. We have ten minutes, you can wait that long, it's not like you're gonna die on the spot." Liam flips one of the sausages over and the chicken. 

Niall begins gasping for breath, scratching at his throat and dramatically throwing himself down onto the sand, splaying out, tongue to the side and eyes half open. 

I stride over towards him and lightly kick him in the side. "You dead?"

He nods, looking at me before playing dead again. "I've died of starvation," He talks through the side of his mouth. 

I begin wheezing, gripping onto my throat, swaying and roll my eyes back into my head, I too throw myself into the sand, first on my knees then flopping my whole body down, splayed out flat on my tummy and tongue out, eyes half open. 

Niall tries to conceal his laughter as we play dead for God knows why. Harry comes over and plops himself down beside us, playing on with the game and Zayn comes running with Clifford at his heel from his walk and catches on quickly, piling himself on top of Niall pretending to be dead too. 

"You are such kids," Liam determines but he drops his spatula and bundles on top of me, playing along too. 

We burst out laughing, finding it funnier than it actually is and return to going back to whatever we were doing before, Harry picking up a Shakespeare book he was reading, Zayn playing fetch with Clifford and Niall begins making sand piles with the golden stuff. 

"Grubs up!" Liam calls after ten minutes, grabbing the paper plates and handing them out.

He dishes up the meat onto our plates for us once we specify what we wanted and we help ourselves to the potato salad, cold pasta and salad. 

We eat around the fire as the sun begins to set and brings a chill to the coastline. The waves sloshing and crashing against the sands can be heard as well as the seagulls going in to nest for the night. 

After dinner, we use some sticks and poke marshmallows onto them, leaning them over the fire and chatting. 

"Any deep shit conversations?" Niall asks, twirling his stick slowly, his marshmallow crisping and browning. 

"Where do you see yourself in five years time," Liam answers back. 

"Swear we've done this question before," Zayn says, puzzled. 

"Who cares, it's a good question."

I sigh through my nose, thinking. 

"I see myself being brunette," Niall laughs. "Honestly, it's a hard question. I'd want to be a guitarist or something but I know it'll never happen, especially when I haven't taken up music."

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