Chapter 43

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Harry's warm breath tickles my slightly cold skin on my neck as he reaches over to lightly kiss my jaw. 

"It's time to wake up Sweetcheeks," He whispers, the duvet rustling whilst he gets up. I hear his back pop as he groans out a stretch. 

"Five more minutes," I mumble into the pillow, burying my head further. 

"Nope, not five, not ten, get your arse up!" He slaps the side of my leg. 

I peep an eye open to see him towering over me, the soft glow of the sun, shines right behind him, making the top of his dark curls become casted in golden hues like a halo. His jade eyes are lighter in the light, his ivory skin slightly darker looking from the shadow coming from the rays poking through the nearly open curtains.

I pull him into me and pepper his face with kisses. "Can't believe you're deciding to throw away endless bedroom kisses just to get to college in time," I moan, biting down slightly on his earlobe. 

"Though I love the sexiness of your body Louis, I'd much rather us pass this year, considering you've already been held back a year already."

"Correction, I've been held back for four months to get back on track and do my exams early. I'll have you know mister." I poke his side and he giggles, flinching away. 

"Stop that! Right, get up or I'm not going to get us any strawberry milkshakes."

"Ice cream!" I correct.

He shakes his head. "Milkshakes, a little chilly for ice cream now bubba."

I bring my bottom lip out and frown before sticking my tongue out at him. "I'm stealing one of your jumpers."

"Be my guest." He gives me a cocky grin, his dimples caving in. 

I finally get up, moving to the wardrobe, the metal hangers scraping and squeaking along the rails whilst I pull them from one end to the other to search for an appropriate jumper. I settle for a light knitted red jumper and a pair of my own dark denim jeans. 

"Aw, no braces?" Harry sulks, looking at my attire. 

"Not this time. I don't know, maybe the braces were a little too much last term."

"I liked them."

"Maybe I should find a new fashion trend, where some fake glasses or something," I joke, brushing my hair with Harry's comb. 

I see him apply some cherry flavoured lip balm in his  little mirror sat on his desk. "You would look adorable in a pair of glasses Lou."

"Don't I know it." I walk up behind him and link my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. (I am definitely not on my tiptoes thank you, I am tall enough. It's not like Harry has grown a few inches over the summer)

We go downstairs after packing our bags, a swirl of anxiety passes through me. It's going to be a lot different at college without Zayn there to annoy me. Especially now that all my classmates will be the people from the year below me. What if they make fun of me for being held back? 

I'm just glad my drama course counted to something, they allowed me to at least keep that grade so I don't have to do it again this year. 

When in the kitchen, Harry tosses me the bottle of antidepressants and I take one pill, downing it with a glass of water. Clifford strides over to Harry and begins begging to play ball, wagging his tail and dropping the ball at Harry's feet. 

"So, mum spoke to your doctor and they agreed that if you want to, you can start easing off the antidepressants. It will take time though but it'll help you not stay on them forever," Harry explains. 

Strawberry Ice creamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon