Chapter 19

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I pull up the jeans I'm wearing, grumbling at how they continuously fall off my waist. They're Harry's clothes I'm wearing today due to the fact that I never brought clothes with me when he asked me to stay over. I didn't want to go back home this morning either with the fact Harry was snuggled up to my chest, we left late and me not wanting to disturb mum.

If I can, I'll go home on my free period 4 after break and change these darn clothes. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to wear his clothes because they smell like him but I seriously don't want to be a laughing stock if the jeans fall down or the sweater paws with his black hoodie is too prominent.

My health and social class files out the room, we were correcting our assignments, proof reading them for them to be sent off. I wonder into music, sitting down in my usual seat beside Zayn who isn't here yet- he's always late on this specific day of the lesson because his science teacher always makes them leave late.

I look up when I see movement by the door and I bite my lip, looking away. He spots me though, considering I'm at the front and weaves through the desk and sits beside me.

"Oh... um... that's Zayn's seat baby." I wince slightly when he frowns and gets up, throwing himself in the seat to my right.

He leans over and catches me in a quick kiss. "I've missed you Lou," he says quietly, grabbing my hand from under the desk and working small circles into my hand.

It relaxes me, my shoulders slumping, the tongue in my mouth that was pressed against the roof of my mouth sits in there freely.

I lean my head on his shoulder just as Zayn barges in, taking his seat, huffing. "I ran the whole way," he breathlessly says.

I pat him on the arm. "You didn't need to, Janette isn't even here yet."

He looks defeated and I snort. Janette comes in, throwing her folder onto the desk and sighing heavily.

"Sorry I'm late class! I see we have a few new faces joining us today, it's nice to see." Her eye lingers over Harry for a second too long and I protectively pull him closer into me. "Right, today unfortunately is a writing day. I'm going to hand out the text books and we need to work on analysing a piece of music today."

She clicks away at her computer, logging in and switching on the projector. A little window with a headphone icon pops up.

"Right Zayn, take a text book and pass it along. If you need paper, which at this point you all should have for yourself anyway." She looks over at Shawn who is always forgetting either paper or a pen. "Then just raise your hand and I'll get some."

I reach into my bag and pull out my little plastic folder, the front and back flimsy so it doesn't specifically protect anything. It sometimes gets screwed up in my bag anyway. There's a few wrinkles on the front so I try to lay them out flat before reaching into one of the plastic wallets for some lined paper.

Zayn takes a book and passes the bunch to me, I take one and hand them to Harry.

"Lou, can I borrow some paper. I used my last one last period." Harry squeezes my hand and I smile up at him, sliding some paper his way. He kisses my temple. "Thank you sweetheart."

We listen to a piece by Mozart, analysing the effect and feelings it gives to the audience.

A buzz from my phone snaps me out of concentration. I look down, sneaking my phone under the table and see a message from Jackie. My hands go clammy, body running cold.

Jackieeee: Hey Louis, just thought it would be best if I'd let you know that your mother is home from hospital but she's on a breathing tube. She's finding it difficult to breathe and gets out of  breath easily. Thought I'd let you know so it's not so much of a shock when you see her face to face. Take care and see you after school, Jackie xx.

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