Chapter 29

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"What do you want?" Liam speaks for me and I down the rest of my drink and steal his, downing that as well. 

Ashton shrugs. "I'm pissed that I wasn't invited and this twat is probably the reason for it."

"Actually, over half of these people here weren't invited, there was a limit but we let it slide. You however, shouldn't be here because of how much of a dick you are to my best friend," Zayn's voice filters over the music when he comes over to us, settling down beside Liam on the sofa. 

Harry and Niall follow in behind. Harry sits on my lap and brushes my fringe from my face.

"You okay?" He mumbles into my ear and I simply nod. 

"Seven minutes in heaven everyone!" Leah screams, earning cheers from people around her. 

They push the coffee table to the side so there's room for people to sit in the circle. They all place an empty vodka bottle in the middle of the large circle and usher for us to join in with them. 

"Listen, you can stay but one wrong move or one wrong word from your mouth then you're out. I'm not having you ruining my party." Zayn squares up to Ashton then lowers his gaze, sitting cross legged in the circle beside Peter. 

Harry pats the empty space beside him and I hesitantly take the seat. Daniel spins the bottle first and it lands on Leah. They both blush and he stands, holding his hand out for her. She takes it and they stumble into the small library room, closing the door behind them. 

Seven minutes later, they come back, grinning ear to ear and sitting down beside each other, hand in hand this time. Wonder what they got up to.

Niall is up next to spin the bottle and it begins slowing down. It lands on Liam. People ooo and yay laughing, cheering and clapping. 

Niall sniggers, standing up on wobbly drunken legs and pulls Liam into his embrace. "Come on sugar plum." He smiles and hauls Liam towards the library. 

I see Zayn's scowl and narrow brows. I give him a sympathetic look. 

"Sorry Z."

"What?" He shakes his head. 

I shrug it off, my alcohol filled mind picking out words that won't make sense strung together so I drop it. 

"Oo, Liam, don't touch me there!" Niall shrieks before cackling. 

It goes silent again until another outburst from the Irish lad. 

"Oh Liam, that's it right there, come on barbie let's go party ar ar ar yeahh babayyy!" He fakes a moan and laughs again. 

I can hear Liam scowl at him but laughter bubbles from him too. "Niall you saucy boy!" 

"So much for Niall the Church boy," Harry mutters, causing me to choke on the straight vodka I now have in my cup. 

Zayn gives us a glare. 

After a while, Niall and Liam leave the library, laughing between them both. Niall jokingly straddles Liam's lap. 

"Seriously?" Zayn asks, arms crossed.

Liam pats his hand and he brushes him off of him. I think someone might be jealous. 

"Didn't know you were gay too Niall," Ashton chirps, disgust laced in his voice. 

"It's called a joke Ashton, try it sometime. Besides, what is wrong with being gay? Gay people are fucking valid, more than you'll ever be!" Niall slurs back, drinking from his cup and burping. 

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