Chapter 3

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Mum being sick last night woke me up again and with it, I had a full on panic attack. I couldn't help it, I don't know why it started but it took ages for it to stop. I was huddled in the corner, gripping onto my teddy, my heart was hammering and my body was trembling. I gagged a few times thinking I too, would throw up but thankfully nothing came out. 

I'm in college- music class and Zayn's hogging the guitar.

"Can I have a go now?" I whine like a five year old. He sighs and hands it over to me. It's a nice dark oak colour and it's shiny new, not a scratch on the paint... yet.

I strum a few chords before trying out a melody. Zayn folds his arms, eyebrow raised. He begins humming to the sound and soon enough begins singing random lyrics. Let me tell you this lad's high notes almost make me orgasm...  don't tell my best friend I just said that, I don't want him to think I have a crush on him. 

Some of our class mates stop to listen and once we finish some clap. 

"That was very decent boys! Ever thought of making a band?" Janette applauds. 

We both look at each other then back at Janette. "Never thought of it, no," Zayn says, grabbing the guitar from my hands. 

"You should." With that she dismisses the lesson. 

We file out the music room and head to the canteen for free period. 

"We could go shopping if you wanted?" Zayn suggests as we sit down in the quiet canteen. Only a few people pepper the tables with earphones in and books out to study or finish off essays on laptops. 

"I got a media review to write out for next lesson." I unzip my blue and green striped pencil case and take out my notebook out my bag.

He groans and nods. "If you need me, I'll be in Neverland... Quite literally." He takes out his phone and opens it to a streaming service to watch Peter Pan. 

I begin writing my homework when I catch movement in the corner of my eye. I look up to see Ashton throwing his bag into one of the seats and plodding down beside it, flipping his long hair from his face and adjusting his leather jacket. Prick. He sees me staring and jolts forward to scare me. I shy back and continue doing my work. 

Another movement happens a while later and I see Harry perching on the end of Ashton's table. They bump fists and begin laughing at whatever Ashton said. 

How can Harry befriend a bully like him? I do not know. Ashton used to be the school bully in my secondary school. He would ram me into lockers and we'd get into fights a lot all because of my height and Donny accent. He'd make fun of my mum too, calling her a slag for having five kids. 

Harry looks around the room casually and catches my eye, he gives me a dimpled smile and a short wave. I go to give one back but decide not to, snapping my attention back to my notebook. Throughout the next half hour, I just see Harry taking peeks over our way until I'd look up and he'd look away. 

My phone vibrates and I look down to see Mark-Dad flash across the screen. Oh no. My heart squeezes and I feel the breath getting knocked out of me. What if mum's gotten so sick she's in the hospital again, or worse? What if the girl's have been diagnosed with genetic cancer now that mum's  got it? 

My hands tremble and I just watch as the phone vibrates and flashes his name with a ringing icon.

Zayn looks up, looks to the phone then at me. "You alright mate? You're as white as a ghost."

"I-I..." I cannot speak, let alone pick up the phone and answer it. 

"Are you gonna get that?" He asks. I shake my head, no. "Want me to get it for you?" I shrug but shortly after, nod. He nods back and slides his finger across the phone, bringing it up to his ear. "Mark? Hey, It's Zayn..."

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