Extn. Chapt- Lad's Holdiay

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Zayn is first to wake up, punching the side of our tent as he does so, making me groan and snuggle deeper into Harry's side. 

"You two are coming with me to retrieve my car, no exceptions." 

"Later," I groan.


A hand wraps around my ankle and pulls, making me lose contact with Harry's side.

"I didn't just put an alarm on for seven in the morning on my holiday for you to be an absolute arsehole about it all. You're coming with me because you made the consequence happen!" He pulls so hard now, that we both go skidding out the tent and onto the dew dripping grass. 

I pry my eyes open, blinking through the low sun rays. "Bastard!" I hiss. "I just wanna sleep!"

"Me too but guess what, ain't fucking happening." He hauls me up to standing and he starts tugging me away from the tents. 

"Harry!" I yell, not caring if I wake anyone around us. "Come with, Babycakes, I might get murdered!"

Floppy curls poke through the hole in the tent and Harry is sleepily plodding towards us, rubbing his eye and yawning. 

So with us in the greatest attire of PJs for this fine morning's adventure, we walk to where the car is, Niall and Liam coming along too after hearing the commotion. 

"I do not want to miss this!" Niall snorts, clipping Cliff's lead on.

As we round the corner towards the gates, Zayn cries out.

"Oi!" He yells. "Wait!" 

We all watch as a tow truck begins attaching Zayn's car to the hook, one of the workers of the campsite shakes his head, arms crossed as he looks at the car. 

"Th-that's my car, I can explain just-" Zayn runs the rest of few yards toward the men. 

"Put the fucking car down, lads!" I fake annoyance, wanting in on the action.

The tow trucker raises an eyebrow at me and I shy away from his intense stare. 

"Surely you saw the sign saying that the gates close before ten," the campsite worker accuses, pointing to said sign. 

Zayn nods. "Yes, I wasn't the one driving. I in fact wasn't even there to witness it! I was by my tent with Niall and Liam! Ask these two what happened!" He pokes a finger towards Harry and I. 

I step forward again, putting my hands up. "Okay, lads, we being a little irrational here aren't we? Just put the car back down and we can all skip merrily our separate ways, yeah?" My sass has no filter this early in the morning. Especially when I get woken up so suddenly.

"If you don't stop with your mouth, I'll just tow this car back to my garage and not return it." Tow trucker guy folds his arms, challenging. 

"Oh come on, you can't be serious! It's getting redic now!" I shout.

Trucker guy shrugs, gets into his truck and begins towing Zayn's car a little down the road. 

"Louis, shut your fucking mouth!" Zayn hisses.

He begins running after the tow trucker, arms all over the place and Niall sniggers from beside us. I contain my laughter and Liam hits Niall upside the head, swinging a finger to his own lips to silence him. Trucker guy stops and gets out the truck, coming towards us. 

 "Listen, they went out last night to see Louis' sick mum," Zayn lies. 

My breath hitches at the mention of mum and he turns to give me an apologetic look. I mean, whatever makes the story more sob like so that we get a better chance of getting our car back. Where would we get to if we admitted, oh these two were late because they were nearly fucking on Shanklin beach? We've all been there, done that, let's laugh about this.

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