Chapter 44

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What's one day, turns into another and another, then two weeks, then a month and soon enough, it's December.

Harry is still wandering off secretly to meet up with Zayn or to be alone and it's utterly frustrating though I don't want to admit it.

I miss him. We barely spend as much time together than we used to. Okay so maybe that's slight exaggeration because we always sleep together at night, have a date now and then. But the rest of the spare time that we could spend together ends up being lonely.

There's a thick frost clinging to the atmosphere now, the sky is rarely blue and when it is, it isn't enough to keep the cold at bay. The trees have lost all their leaves now, their thick branches poking at the sky, coated in ice. Everything is cold and grey and awful, except from when the Christmas lights light up in reds, blues, greens, silvers and golds, bouncing against the fog and illuminating every crevice of every street in colourful dots.

I must admit, winter is my favourite time because I can sit by the fire, drinking a tea or hot chocolate with fluffy socks on. (I certainly haven't stolen Harry's pink and green polka dot ones)

I'm at the golf range with Niall. I've spent a lot of time with Niall and Liam these past months and don't get me wrong, I do love them but it isn't the same as hanging out with Haz. 

It's also evening and so the sky is an inky grey and the lights illuminate the golfing grass in glowing white hues. Not many people are around due to it being the middle of winter. 

"It's just so weird!" I say- my breath coming out in wisps of smoke against the cold air- as I hit the ball, lining up the next.

Niall watches from beside me, leaning against his golf club like you would a crutch.

"Isn't it weird?" I continue.


"I mean, we've said 'I love you' since summer when I- well, you know." I scratch at my neck then.


"It's just, infuriating that he decides to spend so much time with Zayn. Am I missing something? Are they having a secret orgy without me?"


"Like, if they're having anal or whatever, then maybe I should do it with Liam, see how they fucking-"


"-Like it." I sigh long and hard, stepping aside as it's Niall's turn. I lean against my club much like he did.

He lines his ball up and wiggles his bum a little, posture immaculate. God, since when was he so good at golf?

"Louis, mate, I think that maybe. Maybe, you're thinking too far into this." He takes a hit and he lands so far I can't even see where about it's landed.

I scoff, "Then why would my Babycakes decide to not hang out with me?" I pout.

Silence falls between us for a while whilst Niall takes another hit.

"It's not that he doesn't want to spend time with you Tommo, he-" Niall falls silent and my brow creases. 

"What do you know?" I accuse, watching the way his eyes go slightly wide and his parted lips close quickly. 

He turns his attention back on his next swing, silence so thick I can almost touch it. 

"Niall..." My voice is slightly warning. 

He doesn't reply but instead asks, "So what you getting everyone for Christmas?"

And the previous conversation is dropped. 

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