Chapter 32

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Zayn drags me out of bed and chucks some jeans and a black tee at me. I groan, rubbing my sleepy eyes and throwing daggers his way. He flips me off which I return and I slowly get changed before we brush our teeth and make our way downstairs. He hands me a granola bar for breakfast as we're already running late and we get into his car, driving to college.

"Louis!" Niall yells loudly, throwing himself at me. 

I grunt from the impact and hesitantly pat his back. "You alright?"

"Are you?" He throws back, ruffling my hair and snatching one slice of the granola bar from my hand, munching away at it. 

"No." I stick my tongue out at him and walk over to our table- no sign of Harry. "Where's Harry?"

"He had to find a book for our business course in the library," Liam replies giving Zayn a wide smile. 

Zayn blushes, giving him a short wave and sitting down beside him. 

"So, we have two weeks until summer holidays, who's excited?" Niall asks, practically jumping out of his seat. 

I shrug, staring at a spot on the table. 

"What we gonna do over the holidays? We should do something all together," Zayn answers. 

"Harry told me about a camping trip a few nights ago, said we should all go on a road trip down to the coast," Liam replies. 

Niall bounces in his seat, clapping his hands. "We should go to the coast in the isle of weight! It's gorgeous there! We could go to all the places there and each night stay at different beaches." 

Liam nods enthusiastically. "Yes, yes! Last time I went there was when I was four."

"When should we go?" Zayn asks. 

Niall shrugs. "Maybe soon because our college ends for break three weeks before any other schools. It would be fun to go when not many kids are running riot around the island."

"You got a point," Liam says with a nod. "We can sort it out nearer the time so we know the plan."

I leave just as coincidentally Harry comes over from being in the library. I have lesson now anyway and I brush past him to go to health and social. 

I settle into my seat and Yvonne- the teacher looks over at me. 

"Nice for you to join us again Louis, hope you're well." She pronounces my name as 'Lewis' and I bite my tongue, she never learnt to say Louis. 

We start the lesson and I'm searching up case studies to write about. One is of a three year old child named Kelly, her story on her living with leukemia. My heart stops as I read through it, all of it oh so real to what I've been through with mum. 

She's dead now. And you said goodbye yesterday, that's the last of her. 

My heart hammers loudly and my throat feels like it's closing in. I force the tears to stay at bay, not wanting to look ridiculous in front of my classmates. 

I abruptly stand from my chair, it goes onto two legs then thumps back onto all fours. Yvonne gives me a confused expression and I grab my things, switching my computer off and running out the classroom. 

I continue down the hall and into the first toilets I come across, slamming and locking one of the cubicle doors, sitting on the closed toilet seat. My face retorts whilst tears fall down my cheeks and onto the tip of my nose. I bring my knees up to my chest and slightly rock from where I'm perched, trying my hardest not to cry too loud and yet failing. 

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