Chapter 6

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It's Monday morning and I've just got to school with damp hair as Lottie hogged the hairdryer when I got out the shower earlier. 

I go to the canteen to find Zayn and see Harry sitting alone. He looks up as he sees me entering the room and waves, giving me a famous dimple grin.

"Hey Lou!" He calls, waving faster. I give a short wave back. 

I slowly make my way towards our table, biting my lip, feeling guilty leaving Harry on his own. I slap my hand down on the table, making Zayn look up. I motion with my head for him to follow me. He gets up and strolls with me, we sit down with Harry.

"Harry," I say giving him a smile. 

"I got something for you." He reaches into his bag and pulls out a Tupperware with a green lid. I open it up to see some cookies laying inside them. "We didn't finish the batch we ate so figured you'd want some." 

I give one to Zayn and him. "Thanks Haz." 

Zayn finishes it quickly, crumbs tumbling all over the place. A cackle breaks the quiet canteen when Niall tumbles in through the door, Liam beside him who's on the floor, the door mat curled on one corner. 

"Oh God Li!" Niall wheezes, holding his stomach and pointing. "Only you'd manage to trip over the fuckin mat!" 

"Shut up Niall and help me up!" He hisses, holding out a hand. Niall takes it and they walk over to us, sitting down in their usual seats.

"Oh hey..." Liam looks between us all.

Harry speaks for us, "Niall, Liam, this is Louis and Zayn. Don't know if you've met before."

"Hey Louis! Zayn!" Niall cheerfully says. "I know Louis from our old school, he was the class clown." 

"Still is a clown," Zayn mutters. 

I slap his chest earning a grin. 

"Zayn's in my science class," Liam informs. 

"Oh cool! He's in my art class," Harry replies. 

"He's in my music class," I give. 

"And... He's in my lunch break?" Niall offers. "Sorry I don't share you Zayn."

Zayn waves him off. "I can't be everyone's." He gives a wink.

We begin chatting about nothing before Zayn hits me on the shoulder. 

"Shit! We got to get forms in for the music competition by ten! It's nine fifty now!" He hauls me up off the seat. "Sorry guys, we'll see you later."

Harry waves me goodbye and I give a small one back as I get dragged towards music. 

We apply, putting ourselves down as a band as there were no options for duet. Janette was pleased to see us participate and allowed us to borrow the guitar whenever we needed. 


It's lunch time and Zayn decided for us to sit in one of the practice rooms with a piano in the corner and a mic stand. 

"Should we make our own song?" I ask. "It might make us get higher ranking."

"Do we have time? We have three weeks."

"I'm sure we'll think of something. Maybe we can practice a back up song like Michael Buble or something." I strum a few chords on the guitar. 

My phone pings whilst Zayn adjusts the mic stand.

Curly: You're not in the canteen? Is everything okay? I wanted to hang out :(- H

Me: Yeah, everything's fine. We're in the practice room 5, come over. 

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