Chapter 18

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A/n- tw// self harm

We walk to the end of the art block to room 8B. The class is already sitting in their seats around the tables that are covered in paint stains. The place smells like acrylic, ink and paper with a hint of pencil lead.

"Harry, Zayn, nice of you to join our class," Emma says in a monotone voice, clearly annoyed that they're late.

"Sorry we're late Emma but we had to help Louis here." Harry steps aside so I can peep my sore head around the door.

"Well come on in you two, you've missed ten minutes already. We need to start practicing for the final pieces. You need to make mock pieces remember." She ushers them in with a hand, the other clasps around a mug of coffee and she sips at it.

Harry looks to his feet then back up. "Emma... can Louis come sit in the lesson with us? He won't be a bother, I promise. He'll sit beside us and do his homework, please."

She settles the coffee down. "That's what the library is for," she points out.

"I know but I don't want him being alone. He's poorly now, he got caught up with Ashton Irwin."

At the mention of his name, my heart thuds and Emma's face is of disgust.

"That boy." She shakes her head.

"Please Emma. Surely you can't say no to a couple of gays." Harry gives her begging eyes, holding me close to his chest, cupping my cheek and laying his nose in my hair just to make a point.

She sighs. "Alright fine but if I don't see two pages of artwork out of you Harry by the end of the lesson then there will be trouble." She points a finger at Harry then ushers us in. "And don't make this into a habit."

I didn't realise Zayn had already slipped past us and took to his seat until Harry is climbing into the seat beside him. I stand there awkwardly as there is no seat for me.

Zayn gets up. "Take my seat L, I have to go out in the corridor to do my graffiti anyway. Can't do it in the classroom." He has a large canvas in his hand with half a picture already made up. He stalks off out the classroom and I can just about see his left leg in view from where he sits.

I hastily sit in his seat and take out my health and social homework.

"How's your final piece coming?" I mumble to Harry as everyone else is fairly quiet, concentrating on their artwork. Except for the two girls in the corner giggling at each other.

"Sam, Lorena, hope you're doing your work." Emma's voice is accusing and it shuts the two girls up for a while.

Harry rubs at his eye sleepily. "Not good, I still haven't figured out which of my practice designs I should use." He begins sketching something on his page before showing me some of the previous artwork.

I look in fascination at the little watercolour paintings and pencil sketches. There's some of birds in flight going along a cold landscape to a hotter one. A train- like I suggested- chugging along a rail with a city growing smaller behind it. There's a plane window with the sea and clouds below and above it in a pink shaded sunset.

"These are amazing," I whisper, flipping through his book. The thick paper creaks whenever I turn a page.

"Aw, thanks Lou." He kisses my temple, making me feel warm and heat up when a girl opposite us looks up, her earphones in and sees him do it.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a while, getting on with our work.

"Want to sleep over tonight?" Harry asks. "Mum's been asking for you to join a dinner again."

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