Chapter 2

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A/N- TW/ self harm

Phoebe and Daisy have me sitting on a pillow on the floor, hair things scattered along the white rug, Spongebob playing on the telly. 

"Louis, sit still!" Phoebe huffs, yanking at my hair with a round brush. 

"I'm trying would be good if you didn't pull all my hair out though, Phe." 

"What do you think of this one Louis?" Daisy asks, shoving a pink glittery hair clip into my face. I grab her hand and gently pull it back so that I can actually see what she has for me. 

"Wonderful. Am I going to look like a pretty princess?" I ask.

"More like Fiona," Fizzy says, not moving her eyes away from the telly, colouring book in lap, with a green pencil mid air. 

"Oi! Rude." I cross my arms jokingly. 

"Can I add glitter to your hair?" Phoebe asks. 

I shake my head. "Of course not, mum'll have a fit if she comes home seeing the mess of glitter on her new rug.

"Done!" Daisy announces, clapping her hands. 

"Me too!" Phoebe says, copying her sister. 

I hold out a hand. "Alright then, show me, pass us the mirror." Phoebe hands me the mirror from beside her and I look at myself, giving a sassy pout. 

My right side- Daisy's half- is full of colourful hair clips; some glittery, some metal, some plastic, some rainbow and even some bows. On the left- Phoebe's half- my hair is sticking up with little rubber hair bands, twisted this way and that. An attempt at a braid that used to be my fringe hangs against my eye. One huge orange bow sticks to the side against my ear. 

"I look, stunning girls!" I give them both a kiss and instruct them to clean up whilst I go make their dinner. 

"Is mum back yet?" Lottie asks, coming into the kitchen and stealing a grape from the fruit bowl.

"Not yet, a few more minutes, I'm sure she'll come." 

She nods and smiles. "Mum said she was getting better! That's good news, isn't it?"

I don't have the guts to reply. Mum's having her monthly appointment today so only then will we know if she's getting better. 

"Louis... the pasta is burning!" Lottie yells. 

I snap out of my trance type state and curse under my breath, taking the pan to the sink and running cold water over it whilst mopping up the bubbled over water. 

Lottie goes over to the sink and scratches at the bottom of the pan. "Yep, the pasta is stuck at the bottom."

"Shittin' 'eck!" I curse. I search the cupboards for a tin of something and see we have two tins left of beans. "Right, change of plans, you're having beans on toast and cheese." I pour the contents of the beans in a microwaveable dish and put it in the microwave for three minutes. 

"Is there nothing else?" Lottie asks, opening and closing the fridge. 

"We haven't gone shopping this week, Lott, there's nothing but beans or burnt pasta."

Smelling the beans cooking makes my nose scrunch up in disgust. I hate beans. 

Once the food has cooked, the girls sit up to eat. 

"Louis are you eating with us?" Fizzy asks, drowning her beans in grated cheese. 

"Not hungry, thanks." I slide my hand through her hair and wash up just as mum comes in. 

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