Chapter 21

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All through college today, anxiety has wiggled its way through my veins, pumping my heart into some sort of led like rhythm. I've had barely any appetite because of it and trying to force down some nuggets on the behalf of my... well, my other behalf, was a challenge.

I spent most my day sitting quietly, my thoughts running wild in my brain.

You're not going to win.

You're gonna look a fool on stage.

The song you wrote was shit everyone will laugh.

Niall will probably fall on stage... maybe even Harry making you a laughing stock.

Ok that last thought kinda made me chuckle when I thought of it but other than that, the thoughts haven't been particularly nice.

It's not bad us not winning but it's the fact that I feel like we could potentially make a fool out of ourselves. Like what if I have a voice break and mess up my verse completely, I'll look a right donut.

Harry's been very nervous too and I've realised that when he gets nervous, he's more clingy. He hasn't let go of my hand throughout the whole day unless it's for lesson. Our palms have both become warm and sweaty but I don't want to stop him from feeling safe.

He also sniffs a lot when he's nervous, rubbing his finger along his nose and fidgeting with his hands. It's an adorable habit for sure.

We are at Niall's for a final rehearsal, his house closest to the theatre we need to be at by 4. We left college early, thanks to Janette giving us half a day so we can prep for this contest.

I have Harry in my arms, rocking us slightly side to side as we finish the song Viva La Vida. Zayn has a nervous Liam in his side, stroking his arm to calm him down. Niall is just excited but I know deep down he's just as nervous, he's just better at masking it.

"We have to sign in at quarter to four. We have just over half an hour. We should probably get going," Liam speaks up, chewing his lip slightly.

We slowly get up.

"I swear if I get stage fright and die," Is all Niall says. See, told you he's nervous too.

"We are all nervous boys but I know we can do this. We can't be silly and be too nervous or else we'll never be able to get a good performance. Louis, you out of everyone shouldn't be nervous as you've been on stage all before," Liam points out.

I roll my eyes, placing my head on Harry's shoulder. "Yes but there's a difference between acting and singing. I'm still not convinced my voice is that good so I can sure as hell make more of a fool of myself singing on stage than acting. At least with acting if something goes wrong, I can say it was all a part of the act."

"He has a fair point there," Zayn says.

"But Lou, your voice is good. It fits perfectly in with us. Don't doubt yourself baby." Harry has a little pout on and I bring his hand up to my lips and kiss his knuckles. With my other hand, I brush it through his curls.

We all previously got changed into something that we'd wear on stage. It's quite mitch match but it works. I'm wearing my signature look of a striped top, tight red jeans and the golden braces (thanks Harry for insisting). Harry is wearing ripped black jeans, white top and the denim jacket I bought him. Niall's wearing a light blue button up shirt with low jeans, Liam wearing the same type jeans but with white top and a zip up hoodie. Zayn wears a black v-neck and black skinny jeans with a chain looped along one of the pockets.

I mean we aren't going to a fashion show and I'm sure there won't be any fashion police to stop us.

We all walk over to where Niall's mum is sitting at the kitchen table.

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