Chapter 12

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The weekend went by in a blur. I went round to Harry's Saturday to write the song; I met his mum and his sister Gemma who both seemed very sweet and took me in as their own. Mum came home Sunday, Jackie helping her to cook and clean as well as helping her with her medication. The girls seem very happy now that she's home, Phoebe and Daisy rarely leaving her side. 

It's Monday and I've just come home from college, getting myself ready to get to Liam's house for a rehearsal. I fix my hair in my mirror, wearing the same jeans as earlier on today- the red ones- but changing out my top as I spilt ketchup down it earlier. I quickly make a snack for the girls, chopping up some apple and spooning peanut butter into a small bowl before leaving.

It's a hot day today, my windows in the car all the way down, music blaring, my skin appreciative for the coolness of the wind to bite at the sticky skin. The Sat-Nav takes me down a quiet road with a few large houses- with big broad gates- scattering the sides. 

"Your destination is on your left," The Sat-Nav tells me.

I lean forward to look through the windshield properly. Surely not. I park beside what looks like Zayn's black Range Rover Sport. I step out the car, slowly making my way past the open automatic gates where a red brick semi detached house stands proudly. A small patch of freshly cut grass either side of it filled with wild flowers. I go up the steps onto the porch, ringing the doorbell. 

Niall's laugh sounds from behind the house. So it must be Liam's house. The door opens to reveal Liam in a pair of blue shorts and a white vest top, holding a glass of what seems to be pink lemonade, a red curly straw poking out, bubbles dotting it. 

"Louis!" He coos, placing his sunglasses on top of his brown floppy hair and opening the door wider for me to enter. 

"So I do have the right house!" I step inside and look around me. The front door enters straight into a large living room, a fireplace idle against one of the light grey walls, reclining leather L-shape sofa crowds around a 48 inch flat screen TV. 

"Yeah, hope you found it alright, it's a little tucked away." He leads me to the huge kitchen; it has a marble island with hanging lights much like Harry's kitchen but this one twice as big with a double oven, an argon and a double door fridge. 

I wonder why he wants to save for his own apartment when he has a house like this and parents who could probably buy him one. I mean each to their own I guess. 

He takes me through the french doors of the kitchen and out to the back garden. I say garden, it's practically just a swimming pool. A huge built in swimming pool with sun loungers filed along the concrete, surrounding the pool. There's a small strip of grass up a few slate steps on a slight hill with an oak tree and a tire swing dangling from one of its thick branches. 

Zayn and Niall lay on loungers facing towards us, guitar case against the lounger Niall's on. Harry sits on the concrete, jeans rolled up just below the knee, feet dipped into the water. He sways his legs, watching the ripples he creates. 

"Jesus Liam, this place is so cool!" I exclaim. I walk out towards the side of the pool. "Oi oi lads!" I call and they all look up to me, Niall and Zayn wave. 

Harry on the other hand jumps up from the floor, runs around the whole pool screaming, "Louis!" The whole way around. 

I don't have time to react when he jumps straight into my arms, I lose balance and we both topple into the pool with a splash. He loosens from my grip and we both resurface, gasping for air. Niall laughs loudly, Zayn following right beside him. Liam not looking too impressed but he has a huge grin on his face anyway. I look for Harry, tiptoeing from where the floor is slightly too far away for me to reach flat footed. He wraps his hands around my neck and starts leaving wet kisses around my face. 

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