Chapter 16

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Niall is blowing bubbles in the pool with his nose and Zayn is napping, basking in the warm sun; his tanned skin coated golden from the sun's rays. Liam allows me to go through the doors to the poolside whilst he makes some drinks for us all.

"Oi oi!" I yell. I look at each individual sun lounger, frowning."Where's Harry? I stopped by his place and he wasn't there. Figured he'd be here... is-is he in the pool drowning or something?"

Niall flicks his hair out his face, scrubbing his face with his hands to rid of some droplets. "Na mate, he hasn't shown up yet."

My frown deepens. "Then where the bleeding hell is he?" I chew at my lip, looking around.

This morning my anxiety was soaring and I need my Hazza as he seems to always calm me down. I don't know how but he seems to have some sort of magic casting spell to help fix the feelings in my mind.

I rip my shirt off, my blue swimming trunks already on. I jump straight into the pool, right up close to Niall that the splash wraps around him. The water is cooler than outside and it's lovely on my hot skin. I bop up to the surface, laughing as Niall sputters on the chlorified water.

I push my bum up and float. Liam comes through with the drinks, settling them beside a sleeping Zayn, tickling his foot as he passes, making Zayn flinch.

Liam vanishes back inside and later returns with the curly giraffe. I grin, looking over at him behind my sunglasses, still floating. He returns the grin.

He dumps whatever he has in his hands on one of the small tables, takes his shirt off and flip flops and dives straight into the pool. He swims over to me, breast stroking, the water breaking from him.

"Hi." I poke his dimple as he talks.

"Hi, where were yo-" I get cut off when his now wet lips collide into mine, slow, burning. Satisfaction wraps through me, feeling like the colour yellow, sunshine bursting through the darkness.

"Sorry, couldn't wait." He pokes my nose.

"I could've." Niall's voice floats towards us and I look over to him. His nose scrunched up. "Seriously lads, I don't want to be apart of this porno... Zayn can be the one to record it."

I splash water at him, pushing him down by his shoulders. I let go and he gasps for air.

"Bastard," he states.

I give him a grin full of teeth, turning back to Harry and allow him to wrap his legs around me. Niall swims over and whispers something at us. We contain our giggles and we both agree and he creeps out the pool, grabbing the water pistols that lay in a bucket. He chucks one to me and Harry. We fill them up and step out the pool as quietly as we can.

We all surround Zayn, take aim. Niall counts down from three on his fingers and as soon as his last finger is down, we spray him with the water, laughing. He shoots awake, gasping and groaning.

"Twats! What's that for?" He grumbles, snatching Niall's gun and squirting him with it. Niall quickly takes it back.

"For fun!" Harry replies.

"You know I don't like getting wet!" Zayn grits.

"Not what Liam said about you last night," I joke and his mouth flies open. He charges at me, jumps on me, pushing me into the water.

"What's all the noise?" Liam asks when I resurface.

"Zayn nearly killed me!" I argue.

"You're the ones that started it!"

"Get him Haz!" I instruct and Harry much obliges, spraying Zayn with the gun. I smile cheekily, happy for my boyfriend. "Thanks babe."

"You'll regret that." Zayn stalks off and disappears through the side of the house.

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