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10 years later

We are all running down corridor after corridor. Harry's shoving a glittery pink blazer over his golden shirt, the same one he wore on my birthday those years ago. Niall is fumbling with his earpiece, trying to get it to sit snugly. Zayn and Liam are running hand in hand, Zayn pulling Liam along, his blue hair almost like a blur atop his head from how fast he's going. I'm trying to sort my hair out mid run, brushing it back and shoving my cap back on over the top. 

The sound of people chanting and screaming gets louder and louder the closer we get.

"Two minutes boys!" Sam- a member of the team bellows from in front of us, ushering with his hand for us to run faster. 

"Alright, Jesus, my legs can only run so fast," I snap back and I give them a cheesy grin, rifling through the box of microphones, finally finding my one with the blue band. 

We all turn to each other and put our hands in the middle. 

"Let's do this boys!" Zayn calls and we all throw our hands in the air. 

"In position!" Sam calls, putting his finger to his earpiece and speaks into the mic against his cheek. 

We all stand on the markers. I look over to Harry and he grins at me, blowing me a kiss and I pocket it, returning one back. 

Sparks fly from either side of us when our platforms pop up and we are now on stage, thousands upon thousands of screams make me feel like I'm going deaf but it's an amazing adrenaline rush being up here.

We get straight into the first song, deciding on singing the very first song we sung at the music contest that got us to where we are now. 

After we finished college and we began going to Uni, we started doing gigs for bars and other places, we got recognised by a few more labels and we finally got signed into one, making us come to where we are now. 

We finish the song and start the next that we mashed up together with different songs that we came up with. 

Zayn starts first, Harry coming in after and it continues from there. 

We walk around stage, high fiving whenever we pass, Niall with his guitar doing jumps that match up with the fire that spurts from either side of us. 

I square up against Harry, looking straight into his eyes as we sing, I look him up and down, swaying my hips to my verse. 

"I watch them all falling down for you," I boop his nose.

He smiles widely, "Walk through fire for you, just let me adore Lou." 

He changed the lyric. 

I feel my face creep with red and a few girls scream from around us when they hear his lyric change. We wave our hands in the air to the beat.

I go over to the back where the water is, enjoying this part of any concert. I pop the lid off one of the bottles and stalk up behind Liam, his back to me and as Harry finishes the song, I squirt the water right down his back, making him yell into the mic. 

"Tommo!" He seethes, running to grab his own bottle.

People laugh and cheer from around us.

"Hello London O2!" Harry yells as the song dies out. "How we doing tonight then? Enjoying it so far?" He walks along the front of the stage. 

"Haz, I don't think they can make that decision just yet, it was just one song," I point out, keeping a wary eye on Liam whilst he's picking up bottles. 

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