Chapter 36

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The muffled sound of Clifford barking down the stairs stirs me out of my deep sleep. I can hear Harry mooching around beside me, pacing to and fro from his wardrobe, the sound of the drawers squeaking and closing shut echoes around us. He coughs slightly, sniffing and yawning. 

I feel him tickle my foot that is half way out the covers. I flinch my foot back into the warm sheets, snuggling deeper into the pillow. 

"Come on Louis, Zayn's going to be picking us up in thirty, we got to get ready to go."

I groan into the pillow. I hear him sigh. 

"Come on baby, if we want to catch our boat."

"I'm too tired to go." 

"You won't be saying that when we're there. Look, you can sleep on the journey there." He throws the covers from me and I blindly search for them to no avail.

"Give them back," I mumble. 

I can hear him folding the duvet. "No, we need it for the trip."

"I thought we were taking sleeping bags."

"We are, it's going to be cold in the tents at night, especially by the sea, we need more warmth." 

I peep an eye open. "Do you even have a tent?" 

He shakes his head. "Nope." He pops the p. "But Niall has spares from when him and his brother and dad used to go camping so he said he'll bring them too."

"Will we all fit in Zayn's car?" I question, sitting up and scrubbing a hand over my face. 

He raises a shoulder. "No idea, we'll have to find out." 

"What even is the time?"

He grabs his phone and turns it so the screen faces me- I notice that his lock screen is a picture of the two of us, pulling silly faces down the lens. I smile at the picture until I decide to actually look at the time before the screen goes blank. It's five in the morning. I had little over three hours sleep.

I get up and get changed into something comfy for the journey. And by comfy I mean a red stripe top, mint green trousers and some black braces. Harry's already dressed in baggy jeans and a white tee. 

I double, triple then quadruple check my bag to see if I have enough pair of socks and boxers in there, as well as a toothbrush- a brand new blue one Harry bought me specially for this trip. I even add an extra pair of boxers and socks just in case. It's like I'm planning to shit myself. 

We skip down the stairs and I get Clifford ready; clipping his black collar around his neck, getting his own small bag ready filled with his dog food and some dog treats and poop bags. 

"Let's have some breakfast before we leave," Harry decides, opening the cupboard where the cereal is kept. 

"It's a bit early..." He gives me a stern look and I drop my gaze.

"I bought coco pops for you." He slams the box down with a grin, grabbing two bowls. He pours contents into both, just a small amount to tie us over until we find something for a late morning lunch. 

I sit down at the table and slowly chew on the cereal, anticipation for the days ahead swirling through me, my leg bounces and I swallow the chocolatey puffed rice. 

"Hey, look at me." He reaches over and places his large hand over mine. 

I look over at him. He pokes his tongue out to the corner of his lip to catch the milk and a coco pop stuck to the side, sliding it back into his mouth and swallowing. 

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