Chapter 13

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In performing arts the following day, we rehearse for Willy Wonka. Tom reports that he has the date for us to perform in front of an audience, including the invigilators and examiners.

This Friday.

Us students all begin to freak out. 

"That's so soon!" Leah cries out- who plays Veruca.

Daniel who plays Charlie fakes fainting, collapsing down on stage. 

"I think I might die!" Fred who plays Augustus shouts, he runs a hand through his blond hair. 

Tom uses his hands to tell us to calm. "Settle down! Calm yourselves. You've been rehearsing for nearly a month now, that's plenty of time! This will be your last physical acting exam before the written exam." 

My stomach twists. Our last exam? What if I screw up? Oh God what if I don't get the grade I want! "That really isn't helping the situation!" I tell him, staring at a spot on the stage, fiddling with the leather of my bracelets. 

"I know it's a scary thought guys but come on, it's not like you haven't been practicing for this moment for the last two years. You can do this, I believe in you all!" Tom drums his hands against the stage from where he stands below. 

"We've got this people! We can do this!" Julie- aka Violet cheers, having too much enthusiasm for all this. 

"Yeah... We can do this people!" Daniel decides, he turns around to look at the rest of the class, all of us dressed in our costumes. "I said we can do this people!" 

At that, everyone begins to cheer and whoop! I follow with them, still feeling extremely anxious though I love being on stage. 

After lesson, it's break time and I make my way to the practice room 5 where the others are all lounging around and waiting for me to arrive. I throw myself down on one of the seats, cross my legs over each other and begin chewing at my lip.

"You okay?" Harry asks, instantly noticing something's up because I mainly greet him with a huge kiss and hug. 

I break out of my trance and look over at him, giving him a small smile. "Yeah... Are you guys free Friday night at four? It's just that, my final performance is then. The examiners are coming and everything." 

"Of course we will Lou," Harry speaks for them all and they all agree.

"Who do you play again?" Niall asks. 

"Willy," I reply. 

"Ha! You're playing a cock!"

I roll my eyes, he's such a child. I drag Harry's chair closer to me and I pull him over and onto my lap. We rehearse once more and I begin to feel tired after acting and now singing, though both are so fun. I close my eyes and accidentally fall asleep. 


"Guys, I think Lou fell asleep," Harry whispers. I feel his fingers brush through my fringe and I snuggle into the crook of his neck.

"Oh. What lesson does he have next?" Liam asks.

I can hear someone rummaging around in my bag. "His timetable says he's got media now," Zayn says.

"I'll take him there. See if he wakes up by the time we reach his class." Harry gets off my lap and hauls me up into his arms.

I wrap my legs around his waist in my sleep, my lips part slightly.

"He's so cute when he sleeps." He gives me a small kiss on my temple.

"I'll escort you two to his class," Liam states, opening the door and Harry carries me out.

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