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Rain patters down, mixed with hail, clinking against the window and gutters. The flash of lightning lights up the room and a low loud rumble of thunder cracks through the clouds. I huddle up in my sheets, sweat sheering my forehead and clinging my clothes to my back. My heart is on a million miles an hour and I'm squeezing my teddy tight. Clifford shies under my duvet against my chest. I tremble when another thunder claps past. 

I hear my phone buzz and I take no time in picking it up. 

Curly: You hearing this? What happened to sunshine and good British weather for once?-H

Me: Hear it? I'm luvung in ut. 

Curly: That wasn't English, are you drunk?

Me: No mt habds eont srpo shajibg. 

Curly: Why??-H

Me: I hve s fesr of stirmd

Curly: Want me to call you?

I can't reply in time before my phone rings. I shakily slide the call bar across and press my phone against my ear, teeth chattering. 

"Hey," his voice is so calm.

"H-hey." My teeth chatter as I talk. 

"It won't hurt you, you're safe... want me to sing to you? Maybe a lullaby will get you to sleep." 

I laugh slightly at that, my body trembling and another thunder clap sounds, my teeth chatter more. "s-s-s-sure." 

He begins singing it's raining it's pouring. 

"H-h-harry... I d-don't think that song was a-appropriate w-with what is happ-ppening outside." 

"Oh shoot, you're probably right um... well instead of he bumped his head and didn't get up in the morning he... got up and made waffles until morning?" 

"D-d-do you think it's scary to d-die?" I ask, considering the lullaby he just sang is literally about an old man falling over and dying thanks to the rain. 

There's silence on the other end for a few. "I mean... I fear it so, yeah probably." 

"Do-do you t-think my mum fears it?" I whisper.

He doesn't answer, instead he starts singing softly another song about love. It's enough to calm me and put me into a sleep. 


I'm driving back from college, Harry in the passenger seat on the way home. We take a long route, going down random streets until there are signs taking us back the other way. We're silent all the way except from when we're singing when a good tune comes on. I keep stealing glances at Harry and smiling when I see his face half out the open window, eyes closed, him feeling the wind tickle his face and brush his curls in all directions. His cheeks turning slight pink. 

The thunder only lasted the morning so we have pink hued skies, the sun reflecting off the damp roads. 

He moans that he's hungry so we stop off at a McDonald's drive thru to get him some chips and a chocolate milkshake. He holds the cup out towards me and I lean my head over, still looking at the road and take a sip through the straw. I find his hand work its way over to mine when its on the gear shift and I look down at them. 

"I don't have a driving license," He states. "I'm not really sure which gear you put it in and when."

"Will you want to learn to drive when you're seventeen?" I ask. 

"Mmhmm, I'm hoping for a car for my birthday."

"When's your birthday?" 

"Feb first, you?"

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