Chapter 17

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I'm walking out of health and social care this dreadful Monday morning. It's nothing to do with the warm weather- I'm glad the shitty English weather has actually decided to give us some light. Especially at the end of May.

It's the fact that it's Monday. Like who likes Monday? It just reminds you that you have to go through a whole five other days to go all the way back to the blissful weekend again.

I cried this morning in my car when I left for school. I couldn't help myself. Mum was having a really bad nose bleed which resulted her in using over ten sheets of kitchen roll and Jackie having to take her to the hospital just in case. The girls were at dad's house this weekend so thankfully they didn't see it as he offered to take them to school today.

So today has been pretty shit besides my lesson previously. And next lesson should lighten things up slightly but I'm seriously not in the mood for a 'party.'

Harry has a free now whereas my free is when him and Zayn share an art lesson. No I did not memorize his timetable to see when we matched free periods.

I walk into the theatre, the door opening with a weird sounding scrape. People already sit in some of the seats up front and I plop beside Leah. Tom hasn't arrived yet so I take this time to just flip through Instagram, liking a few pictures. I see Harry's story of him in the library, a boomerang of his open books for his Business class and a Shakespeare book for some odd reason. I smile and reply with clapping emojis.

He replies back instantly.

Harry_Styles: Shakespeare confuses me sometimes.

Me: he confuses me all the time !

Harry_Styles: So you're in lesson and texting me on Insta? Tut tut Mr Hedgehog.

Me: Tom hasn't even arrived so shush your face.

Harry_Styles: 😨 come to me and my free period if he doesn't arrive.

Me: Too late, he just arrived 😜. I'll see you after your art lesson. I'll sneak a slice of pizza and give it to you.

Harry_Styles: See you later Loubear 😘💚💚 xxx

I pocket my phone, my foot resting on the back of the chair in front of me. Tom holds up the pizza box in one flat palmed hand, in the crook of his other arm is a bottle of Cola. He settles everything down on the edge of the stage.

"Right guys, I'm glad you all showed up! This'll be a relaxed, chilled lesson. I'm so proud of you all for doing so well and I may or may not have some of your practical exam results in already."

Some gasp, others whispers.

"Shit, I'm scared," Leah whispers, her hands under her skirted legs.

"Same." I chew at my lip, leaning forward.

"I'll tell you one thing, none of you got below a D so you've all passed in that sense."

Yes but to get into my Uni I need at least a B to an A.

"So raise your hand if you want your results told now. Just don't tell the other teachers or students because it's kind of not allowed but I know how much you guys will worry if you don't get them soon."

All of us raise our hands.

"Okay... I'll take the register and just reply with if you want them told aloud or in private and then I'll tell you. Whilst I take the register, help yourself to pizza. One slice each please, Daniel, I'm looking at you." He eyes Daniel whose mouth is now open like a fly trap.

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