Chapter 35

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Harry bundles on me, laughing.

"You cannot make me wear those!" I protest, trying to get up from his grasp but failing.

"No! We gotta match today!" He replies, pinning my arms down and kissing my neck.

"Harry I am n-" I get interrupted a moan escaping my lips. "I'm not wearing those!"

"Oh come on Louis! They're not even that bad."

"That bad? Harry I know I enjoy wearing bold but that is beyond bold! It's like a fruity rainbow has thrown up!"

He huffs. "Fine, we are not going swimming then."

"But that was my suggestion for the week," I whinge.

He shakes his head, knees either side of me and he crosses his arms. "I'm not listening, if you don't wear them to Liam's then we aren't going."

"God, fine, hand them over!" I hold my hand out and he smiles, passing me the ridiculous piece of clothing and letting me get changed.

Once changed, I drive us to Liam's house and we park outside, Zayn's Range Rover already here.

I feel slightly nervous as I haven't seen them in weeks. What will they say and do when they see me?

I looks down and sigh. "Harry I look ridiculous!" I say whilst we walk up the steps.

He knocks on the door.

"You look colourful."

I roll my eyes just as Liam opens the door. He soaks me in and brings me into a massive bear hug.

"I've missed you so so much Louis. Please don't leave us again."

I pat his back reassuringly. "I won't."

He let's go of me and that's when he registers what I'm wearing, bursting into laughter.

"Bold choice lads." He looks between me and Harry's matching wear.

I swat him away and continue towards the kitchen.

The bright pink swim shorts turn almost fluorescent in the sun, being able to be seen from miles away. The watermelon prints don't help and when Harry strapped pink braces onto them, I looked more of a clown than ever.

Niall sees me and his eyes widen with excitement. He stands up and runs over towards me, arms out ready for a hug.

But before he can reach me, strong arms are pushing me from behind, making me fall into the pool with a splash. Just as I get up to gasp for air, hands are pushing me back down by the shoulders.

After a while, just as my breath cannot hold no longer, I'm released and I fill my lungs with oxygen.

"The fuck?" I scream.

"You dickhead! You had me worried sick! I've been calling and texting why did you never answer my calls? I've been here crying to Li most nights thinking the worst has happened to you and now you show up? Where the fuck were you?" Zayn's voice is loud and high and he continous to dunk me under, whenever I come up for breath he talks until dunking me down again.

When I come up again, I'm coughing and putting my hands up for surrender. "I'm sorry! I had to clear my head, Jesus, don't bloody drown me!"

"I'll drown you if I want to!" He dunks me once more.

"I missed you too." I cross my arms over my chest and he brings me in for a bone crushing hug.

"I love you mate, don't disappear like that again," he mumbles into my ear.

Strawberry Ice creamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora