Chapter 24

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I gasp for air, my throat closing up, heart twisting and feeling like someone's squeezing at it. Tears spring to my eyes, body trembling, teeth chattering. Goosebumps form up my arms and legs, my breathing heavy, shallow. I'm sat upright, trying to breathe but I think I might be dying. It feels like I'm dying.

My breathing is loud as I try to fill my lungs, sweat beading from my pores. 

Harry wakes up groggily, hearing the commotion. He looks over through squinted eyes before his eyes adjust to the low light and he sees me sitting up right. He sits up himself and brings me into a tight hug. 

"Shh, Louis, you're safe. Whatever is going on in your mind cannot hurt you. It may not be true, if it is, it won't hurt you. Calm down," He whispers quietly, his hands tracing patterns into my skin. He hums to me, trying to calm me down, his nose in my hair. 

You're fine, breathe, Tomlinson, breathe for fuck's sake.

I finally manage to slow my breathing. 

I just had a freaking panic attack in front of Harry and I feel humiliated. 

"You're sweaty baby, let's go get you cleaned up in the shower, hmm?" He says, standing up slowly and bringing me with him. 

I look over at the time on his phone when I get up and see it's only 5am. I just woke him up because of something so stupid. I don't even know what I was panicking about. One minute I was asleep and the next, well, I was a right state. 

I sigh, allowing him to drag me into the bathroom. He turns the shower on for me, shaking the water from his hand when he retrieves it from turning the handle. He helps me undress- which is just him pulling the tshirt from over my head and me kicking off my boxers. I shiver, covering myself with my arms over my body, feeling slightly insecure.

Harry tries to not look but his eyes linger over me slightly too long, making me shift under his weight from foot to foot. 

Soon, the shower fills up with steam from the heat of the water, mist swirling and clinging to the mirror on the adjacent wall from the shower, beading condensation on any cool surface. 

"Want me to come in with you?" He mumbles, his sage eyes lapping me in. 

I dust pink and shrug. "If you want." I step into the shower, the hot water making me shudder. 

I hear him shuffle around before the heat of his body is pressed close to me, the door slides shut behind us. I don't turn around, too embarrassed to see him in all his glory. 

"Want me to wash your back?" He asks, the click of the shower gel bottle echoing within the confined space. 

I just nod, not trusting my voice and bite my lip. I feel his large hands and the cool liquid of the soap trail along my back whilst I clean up my chest, arms and legs. I feel his hand tickle my skin, they lower, lower, lower, circling the small of my back near my bum. 

I blush when one of his fingers touches my ass cheek but he quickly removes his hands from me to allow me to rinse off. 

"Want me to do yours?" I ask, still not turning around, meaning my back isn't fully rinsed from soap. 

"Na, I'll do it. You need to rinse off your back though Lou. Turn around, I don't bite."

I give a little snort but finally turn around, keeping my eyes focused on the wall. 

"I can see you staring, Haz," I mutter with a small grin trying to surface on my face. 

I see him blush from the corner of my eye and he begins cleaning himself too, rinsing under the shower once I step aside and position myself to where he stood before.

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