Chapter 45

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With your birthday falling on the day before Christmas comes with its consequences. One is the fact that people will decide to give you your birthday presents on Christmas instead of on your birthday, meaning the whole day pretty much feels like any other day. 

I was woken up this morning by Harry giving me as he liked to call it "A birthday make out sesh." Which, was probably the best way of waking up this morning. He then surprised me with pancakes for breakfast in bed with pieces of bacon and maple syrup. 

He then decided to help me in the shower, having another make out sesh. It's a big contrast to the past few months where he rushed out the door, he's now allowing me to have the attention I crave and it's somewhat alarming but at the same time, it's warming. 

We're deciding on what to wear, Harry keeps holding out the gold braces for me to wear, frown deepening each time I protest against it. 

"Oh, c'mon, Lou! Please? For me?" And there it is, cue the bleeding green puppy eyes. They look up at me through charcoal lashes and I roll my eyes, snatching the braces from his grip. 

"You're wearing the gold tshirt," I state and he gasps. 

"I've got something better." He rifles through his drawer and pulls out a gold glitter shirt. I can't help but grin as I see it, only Harry will be able to pull that number off. 

I go through the wardrobe and settle on wearing some of Harry's black skinny jeans, rolling them up from the bottom and placing some red fluffy socks on. I then wear a nice white crisp shirt, keeping the first two buttons down. 

Harry's settled for the gold shirt, black skinny jeans and some Grinch socks. 

"Those socks suit you," I state. 

"Yeah, they look like you," He teases.

I scoff. "You've gotten a bit too big for your boots, Babycakes. Where's my innocent little baby?"

"He left the night we broke into the campsite."

I laugh, flashbacks of that night coming into play. "The way Zayn had to fight off a tow truck will never not be funny."

Harry shakes his head and brings me in for a quick cuddle and kiss. This'll be a good day, I hope.

"Happy birthday Louis!" Anne cheers, scooping me into a hug and kissing my cheek. "My beautiful favourite son. What did Harry get you then?" She asks. 

I shrug. "He hasn't given it to me yet." I give an accusing look to Harry from behind my shoulder. 

He sticks his tongue out at me. "You're not getting it until tomorrow." 

My mouth hinges open. "What, why?" 

"Because it's a joint birthday and Christmas present."

I shake my head. "How dare you! You can't- I mean, surely I should get two presents! One for each occasion. You don't see me waiting for Christmas to give you your birthday present now do you!"

He shrugs. "Sorry, I'm not caving in. It'll hopefully be worth the wait." He scratches his arm, looking slightly skeptical and my body relaxes at his gesture. 

"Hey," I say softly. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be perfect."

He gives me a dimpled grin at that. 

"So what are you two munchkins doing today then?" She asks.

I purse my lips in thought. "Dunno, I got nothing."

I see Harry's eyes dazzle in brilliant idea type of way. I crease my brow in question. "I want to take you to Winter Wonderland." 

"The one in central London?" I question and he nods. 

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