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The door to xiaojun's apartment was left open when she entered. rooms were dark. y/n gathered the courage to call out his name, hoping that he would walk out. but he didnt. her fear took over. while glancing around nervously, she made her way to his room. there he was, laid on the floor. panic shot up as she ran to him.

she knelt down to his level and shook him several times to see if he was conscious enough to speak.

with his eyes closed, he mumbled to himself, "...im sorry..." y/n caressed his forehead. she couldnt even imagine what kind of pain he went through with losing a loved one. she was quick enough to notice the cut in his hand, blood dripping from it. she rushed to get the first-aid.

while dressing his wound, she was reminded of the first day they met. who imagined they can come this far. She laid him down on the bed and sat next to him, holding his hand tightly.

she recalled how eunji acted in her last moments. something didnt set right to her and she was impatient to look for the answer. 'avoiding friends and family, doing job against her will...was someone blackmailing her?' XJ's slight movement shifted her attention. as she stared, she realised she had a deep urge to help him out of his guilt. 'I'll get to the bottom of this.'

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Onda checked her phone for the fifth time. but still, they were no reply from lucas. she groaned in frustration. not long after, grace walked in to the room and surrounded her with sidekicks.

she grabbed onda's arm forcefully and glared down, "havent you heard what your friends did last night!" onda sighed in pain, but it didnt lessen the other's strenght, "I dont hang around with them anymore, you cant blame me for what they did!"

"You should've warned them! how dare that bastard hurt ten! what do you work for, cant you even handle it?!?" onda sat in silence while the other continued to curse."if you cant do what i order, just tell me. having lucas as your boyfriend? you can dream that in your next life." with pinning her last words in other's face, she left.

students in that class room began to whisper with one another. even if they had no idea what happened, they still glared at her. she felt suffocated in there and walked to the restroom.

when she entered, she had an unexpected encounter with y/n. they stared at each other without saying anything. It wasnt clearly the old days when she could run to y/n whenever she had a rough time. they were almost strangers now.

just when y/n passed her, she called out her name. the other looked back and waited. " they are all from rich families. They wont let it slide to easily, you shouldnt mess with them."


"Seniors. dont get involved with them. they're heartless. they could destroy you if you get on their bad side." arrogance dripped from her words. y/n appreciated the fact that she sealed off her enimity just to warn her . but she didnt turn blind eye to the sore arm onda kept pressing to ease off pain. she now had a clear conclusion about her opponent in this battle field.

'then, shouldnt you be the one being more careful?'

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As if her day wasnt bad enough, she had to encounter with ten at the same moment. "let's talk." he coldly stated. she wondered what made him think she would just follow him after being aware of his past. she talked against her hesitation, "I have a class to run for, make it quick." he felt shunken to face the new side of her. she wasnt the y/n he knew anymore. she looked more cautious with her judgement on people.

they entered an abandoned classroom and locked the door behind. y/n stood in the middle, waiting for the other to continue.

"I want to tell you what really happened between me and eunji that day."

"very well. but i want you to know that you'll once again explain to me when i didnt ask you to."

ten felt quiet shocked with her choice of words. but deep down he realised it was only fair for her to be cruel. she's been deceived by too many. he looked up to her eyes and began recalling that day.

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