Chapter 18: Shattered

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I awoke in my room and looked to the door, the chair was still against it, acting as a makeshift barricade.

I checked the time, 10:30 am.

I recalled all the terrible events of last night.

Me pinned to a bed and Dream nearly (Insert R-word here) me. Once Dream realized how much he was actually scaring me, he caught himself and tried to apologize for it. But I kicked him off of me and left the room before he could, so I have been hiding in my room ever since.

I stayed up all night thinking about what Dream could've done if he didn't stop himself. I probably got an hour or less of sleep.

Dream came to my door and tried opening it but failed to. At one point he politely knocked on the door and asked if I was at least alive. I lashed out at him and covered my ears, not wanting to hear anything from that psychotic monster.

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom, sluggishly. I looked at my reflection, I saw a broken person. A tired, hungry, tear-stained face of a broken boy looked back at me. I wasn't what I once was a proud and independent person, was nowhere to be found in that reflection.

I broke into tears again and fell to my knees, looking at the cold floor below me. My tears hit the floor and I wiped my eyes, trying to stop my relentless tears. But of course, nothing worked.

I got up and went back to bed. I curled up and just cried until I heard a knock at my door.

It was Dream, "Hey look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, even for me that was a line I never thought I'd ever cross."

He tried to make peace with me, "I'll make you something to eat, you really should-"

I cut Dream off and through my tears yelled at him, "Shut the fuck up you psycho, I won't eat any of the shit you give me anymore, all you do is drug me! I'm sick of it, I'd rather just die by suicide at this point!"

"George, no! I can't risk losing you!" Dream shouted back, slamming into the door trying to open it.

"Watch me!" I yelled back, as I got off the bed and looked for anything remotely sharp.

"George, no! I need you alive...damn it!" Dream sounded frustrated with me, he must have also realized that I had some of my memories back.

I looked to the clock, 'Smashing it should give me some glass.' I picked it up, raising it, and threw it to the floor, practically shattering the vintage clock.

"George what the hell was that?!" Dream questions me quickly once he heard to clock hit the floor.

I didn't reply, I instead picked up the largest piece of glass that came from the clock.

Dream slammed into the door again, still failing to open it. "Dream, if you don't back away from that goddamn door, I will kill myself!"

He backed off and left. I sat on the bed and kept the glass to my neck but lowered it a bit.


Karl's Pov

Sapnap and I were watching a movie at my place until I got an unsettling call from Dream.

He couldn't explain much but told us to get to his place quickly. We got in Sapnap's car and he drove us to Dream's place.

I stated as we got on the road, "I can only hope this doesn't involve George this time."

"Why is that?" Sapnap questioned.

"I don't know, it's just a feeling I can't shake."

"If it does have something to do with him, I'm sure it's nothing good." Sapnap said.

The rest of the drive was quiet as we got closer to Dream's house.


Once we arrived, Sapnap parked and we got in the house quickly.

Only to see Dream sitting at the table, "Your here."

"What's the honk is going on?" I questioned Dream.

Dream sighed, "George has threatened both me, that he'll kill himself if I go anywhere near his room door."

"How did this even start?" Sapnap questioned as he sat on the other side of the table.

Dream didn't give a response to Sapnap as I of my own volition, made my way upstairs.

Once I got to George's door I knocked on it gently, "George it's me, Karl, I just wanna talk ok. Can we talk face to face?"

"Fine, but only you Karl, no one else!"

I heard some movement on the other side of the door, "Come in, close the door once you're in."

I opened the door and went in, closing the door once I was in. I looked at George or at least what was left of him. He looked extremely pissed off, his eyes looked determined but yet pain-filled, and his face was stained from crying.

I sat on the chair nearby, "Tell me what happened, I'll listen to anything to have to say."

He removed the piece of glass from his neck, "It's all that psycho's fault."

"Tell me everything." I tried to remain as neutral as possible.

"That psycho nearly (Insert R-word here) me. I begged him to stop but he nearly didn't."

"Wait you mean Dream, he would never...I mean he may kill people but he would never do that." I explained.

"Yeah, then how do you explain last night?" He questioned me.

"I don't know, Dream probably wasn't in the right headspace," I explained, as I continued getting up from the chair and making my way over to George slowly, "I know you're upset and all but suicide shouldn't be your go-to."

"I know, it's just that...Dream wants me alive so this is my only option, Karl."

"Your life has just as much meaning as mine and I can promise you this will never happen again, George. I'll make sure Dream stays in check." I tried my best persuasion possible but luckily managed to persuade him.

George started to cry, "It's just...I-I."

I managed to sit on the bed next to George, "Drop the glass, please George."

He sobbed more and finally dropped it.

He hugged me tightly and cried onto my shoulder, as I said comforting things to him.


Word Count: 1,056

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