Chapter 70: Oversight

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I awoke slowly to Dream calling for me and rubbing my shoulder.

"Georgie, get up we're here."

"Dream?" I said tiredly whilst wiping my eyes.

He smiled softly and said, "I can carry you into the house, if you're still tired, Georgie."

"Please do," I asked, just as my headache started to return.

He chuckled, "Let me get out and go over to you're side of the car." He then did just as he said, he came over to the passenger side of the car and picked me up.

He picked me up so he was giving me a piggyback ride. My arms clung to the collar of his hoodie, whilst his arms held my legs at his sides.

I looked around the new area a little bit, but couldn't distinguish anything in my tired state of mind. Besides, it was the middle of the night and the moon was now hiding behind clouds.

I didn't even question where Dream had brought me to, as I knew I could just ask or just see where we were in the morning.

As soon as Dream got us in the house it struck me, 'Why am I so tired? I wasn't like this before, but maybe it's just the fact that I don't sleep properly anymore.'

I tried to brush off the extreme tiredness but it still felt odd to me, 'Maybe it's just because I've never had a concussion this bad before.'

Dream took me to an upstairs bedroom and laid me down on the bed, before attempting to leave. I stopped him by keeping my hand on his hoodie, as I wasn't feeling well. My terrible headache and some other pain I couldn't figure out.

He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed before rubbing the side of my head, "I'll stay here till you fall back asleep, okay George?"


I awoke exactly where I had fallen asleep. I sat up only to put my hands on my head, at the headache I still had.

I looked around only to see that Dream wasn't in the room.

I sighed, 'Where'd he go?'

I finally got out of bed and decided to see where I was, but not before noticing that DreamXD was in the room.

It confused me, causing me to think out loud, "Why are you here?"

'No reason.' He replied with.

I didn't exactly want to engage in conversation with him but I was curious about something, "There's got to be a reason don't just show up randomly, XD."

'You're right, there's always at least one reason. But maybe you should figure this one out on you're own, George.' He said smugly.

I scoffed, "And you're just a waste of my time."

'Fine then, we won't talk.' He said before disappearing.

I left the room once my headache had temporarily subsided, for the time being, now looking to explore the rest of this place.

I traveled downstairs and into a living room. It was spacious as it only had a small coffee table, a long couch, an end table with a lamp on it, and a TV on top of a TV stand. There was a locked door on the other side of the living room, but I could most likely assume that it was the basement because I could feel a cold draft coming from the bottom of the door.

The Imprisoned Snowflake (Dream x George)Where stories live. Discover now