F O R T Y - T W O

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Big filler chapter up ahead...

Kim Taehyung was absolutely positive his button nose had turned blue.

The brunette had been strolling the empty, dimly-lit streets for so long he'd lost track of time, and his entire body was shivering from the unusually cold night.

But for better or worse, the icy chill kept Taehyung from falling asleep right away; he had only one mission out here, and it was definitely not sleeping in the middle of the road.

Taehyung had to find Hoseok. That was his only goal—his only hope—during the night.

He didn't run off or something, right? Hyung said he would come back, his thoughts mumbled, giving him a sense of comfort. The only other thing Taehyung could hear were the crickets and the hissing of the frigid wind.

Taehyung rubbed his palms together, a wisp of white air leaving his mouth as he exhaled shakily. I don't even know where Hyung likes to go.

He continued walking, turning his head to peer around him. Where is he—

Taehyung stopped walking.

Hoseok was crouched down against the trunk of a swaying tree, his head resting on his knees as he sat almost like a ball. But Taehyung didn't need to see his face to know it was his hyung; he could recognize Hoseok's red jacket anywhere.

A gentle wave of relief brushed over him like how the water kisses the sand on a pleasant summer day. Taehyung smile softly and made his way over to the older, quietly taking a seat beside him.

The brunette didn't say anything; he simply gazed out in front of him and up at the twinkling stars, occasionally glancing Hoseok, who hadn't moved a centimeter even after feeling Taehyung's tender presence.

Maybe he just didn't want to be alone, so he didn't care who sat beside him.

"How did you find me?" Hoseok sniffled, still not lifting his head off his knees. His light brown hair was wet and splayed across his knee caps.

Taehyung glanced at Hoseok. "How did you know it was me?"

A quiet chuckle, "You're the only one that smells like strawberries and summer at the beach."

"Well that was oddly specific," Taehyung laughed lightly.

Hoseok finally lifted his head, looking at Taehyung. The brunette's heart broke at the miserable sight in front of him.

Hoseok's sparkling irises were dark and empty like someone had flicked out the light in them, and a raw reddish color lined his eyes. His tear-stained cheeks were pale and hollower than usual, sharpening his cheekbones in an almost unhealthy way.

But somehow there was still the smallest smile on his dry lips.

"What are you doing out here this late at night, Tae? And it's cold, look at you, your nose is as red as Rudolph's," Hosoek fussed sweetly, patting Taehyung's cold cheeks with his warm hands.

Taehyung melted at the contact, but he pulled back as he said, "I came looking for you, Hyung. I had a feeling you wouldn't want to be alone at 3 in the morning."

"It's 3?"

"I don't know. Didn't check the time, but it's a reasonable guess, don't you think?"

Hoseok nodded as he wiped the dried tears off his face. "Are they asleep?"

"Yeah. Both of them were pretty tired," Taehyung admitted, scooting closer to Hoseok as the wind roared again.

"You're not?" The sepia-eyed male glanced at the brunette.

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