Partners (6)

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The slight thumping noise coming from downstairs jolted you awake. You turned over in bed to find it was a grave mistake because your world began to spin. Memories from last night came back to you, as well as the pure tequila taste returned to your mouth. You scrunched up your nose as you remember taking the shots as if they were nothing.

You turned over again to face the nightstand. Luckily, water was there for you. First, you checked the time. It was the first time you slept 8 full hours since you could last remember. After a few seconds of sitting up in bed, you decided to stand up. It took you a second to stand perfectly still before going to the door.

As you walked out, you were greeted by Ben looking at papers. He heard the door open and set the things down. More medicine and a syringe were on the coffee table. You snickered at the sight of it because you knew exactly what it was. You went ahead and took a seat on the couch as Ben followed you. You lifted the small sleeve of your shirt as Ben prepared the syringe.

"Courtesy of Tom," Ben mentioned as he inserted the syringe into your upper arm. "Did he say if I need to take it monthly?" you knew it was medication for alcoholics. "He didn't even speak when he came. Tom is infuriated with me, now I know why."

Ben stood up and walked to the papers and placed them on the table. You took a peek, then turned your gaze to him, "So you finally read my file." Ben nodded and took a seat on the office chair, "Why didn't you tell me yourself?" You flipped through a few pages, you already knew what it said, "Becuase I can't. It was part of the deal that I can't speak of anything that happened. As you read, that mission was dangerous. I lost my title, my name, my crew, husband."

Ben somberly looked down at his hands then up to you, "I'm sorry about your loss. The file only shows the summary of the story, not so much the details. I can't imagine what you probably felt." You simply nodded.

Ben took a second to think of what to say next, but you could tell he was anxious to know more. "I know you have questions, so ask away," you motioned him to start. "I mean, I just can't believe that for the past months I've been working on this mission with the Void. All those rumors and whispers about the Void not being real are lies, or that the Void did minimal jobs here and there. I mean, one of your missions got leaked, but it was quickly recovered and only a few were able to see it. I always wanted to be part of Black Operations, how were you able to do it?" Ben asked.

"I joined the military as soon as I turned 18. My boyfriend at the time said he was going to join, so I said I was going to do it as well. I was a super competitive person back then, I would say yes to any challenge. We joined our last year of school and we never went back. It was a rough start, but we both eventually came out at the very top of our boot camp. From there on, we were always competing with each other to see who had the most endurance, and other stupid shit," you paused for a second.

"We got married at the base when we were both 23. At 24, we were both taken to a room with some high-rank officers and very important government people. I can't disclose names, but I can only tell you that we were there because bad shit happened with other important people. Within the hour of sitting with them, we were recruited into the Black Ops missions going forward. We got our code names, which mine turned out to be Void. My late husband and I were still competing to see who was the best even during working missions in Black Ops," you were getting to the hard part of your story.

"On one mission, they chose me to be the leader of our 5 man group. I was still ruthless and impatient back then. I got excited that I beat him to become a leader. Our group traveled across the world to rescue and 'clean up' a mess up that happened in Europe," you bit your bottom lip and stared blankly at the papers in front of you.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now