Destiny (3)

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"Ok class, I want those papers turned in by tonight at midnight. I've extended the due date once already and it wont happen again. Class dismissed," Ben spoke over the eager college seniors. Some were nervous about the paper since they hadn't started and others were just eager to go eat. Ben took a seat at the desk and began shutting down the computer. He grabbed his bags and left the room after everything was shut.

He made his way through a lengthy side walk to get to one of the many office buildings. He went up three floors and passed endless corridors filled up by other professors. Ben opened the door to his office and quirked his brows. "Did we have an appointment?" Ben questioned. You turned around, "Yes, it was due more than a month ago." Ben smiled as you stood up.

"Surprise of you to visit my office," Ben stated. "Well since you won't visit mine, I thought maybe I can come to yours," you kiddingly responded. You passed a caramel macchiato to him. Ever since Ben saw you at Starbucks, he was more comfortable with you. Well, the constant texting and briefly catching up has helped as well. "Thank you. Have you been waiting long?" Ben enquired as he took the drink. "No, just five minutes," you replied with a smile. "Good," Ben smiled and handed him his file that's been in his cabinet for a while.

"Great, I'll look these over once I'm in the office," you began to gather your stuff but Ben stopped you. "Boss needs you back?" he questioned. "No, but it's your office hours, people are going to start coming in," you replied. "You were a college student once, how many times did you actually go to a professors office hour for help?" Ben enquired. You pursed your lips and took a seat, "You're right."

"How's work, busy?" Ben started the conversation. "Yes, a bit. More people are coming every day to file their taxes. Our schedules are getting booked," you replied taking a sip of your own drink. "Wow, I'm glad I have my personal accountant," Ben kiddingly said. "No kidding, I don't usually do this," you said back with the same playful tone.

"How's school? Did you have to curve the midterm grade?" you questioned. "By quite a lot, I feel these students just take the class to get past an elective and think it's something easy," Ben gave you the honest answer. "I never understood that, I always took these classes because it fascinated me. Literature has always and will always be beautiful," you sincerely responded.

Bens expression slightly faltered, but you didn't notice. "How come you didn't do something in literature? Seems like you enjoy it a lot," Ben questioned. "I do, I love it. To be honest, I really don't know why," you paused for a quick second, "Now that I think about it, my parents influenced me to take the accountant direction. I met my boyfriend the last year in college and he was becoming an accountant, with a good job already. I was in Business Administration, so my parents and I guess my boyfriend as well pushed me to towards that. I didn't graduate with an Accounting degree, but my boyfriend was promoted and he hired me and taught me all he knows. So, now I'm here, sipping coffee with a friend."

Ben was going to ask a question but your phone began to ring. It was your boyfriend. You mouthed sorry and stepped outside to take the call. Business Administration, why that? Ben thought to himself. A few seconds later you walked back in. "I'm sorry, this chat will have to be cut short. I'm needed at the office," you began to get your stuff. Ben got up and walked you to the exit of the building.

"It was nice talking to you again," I'll see you later, you hugged him and proceeded to make your way to your car. Ben stood there as he watched you walk away, he silently sighed and went back to his office.


While Ben was busy with his school work, and you with your accounting work, it was hard to actually meet up. That doesn't mean that you didn't text each other once in a while. It's been two weeks since Ben gave you his files. You already did all the work and now all you needed to do was explain how much he was getting back and how much he owed. Instead of meeting at a coffee place or each others offices, you invited him over to your house.

It was in the evening so Ben took a shower before going to visit. It didn't take him that long to get to where you lived. Although, Ben was surprised you lived in Beverly Hills. He parked his car in front of your huge house. While he walked up to the front door, Ben could see you walking to your living room. The house had a glass wall that was placed in the living room. Ben nervously rang the doorbell.

Not a minute later you opened the door for him. "Welcome to my home," he greeted and let him pass by. "Wow, it's truly fantastic," Ben admired the inside, "A lot better than my $1500 apartment." You had to chuckle at that and closed the door behind him. "Let me go get your files, go ahead and take a seat on the couch if you'd like," you gestured. Ben took a seat while you disappeared for a few minutes.

He looked over the place and saw a lot of pictures of you and your boyfriend. Ben sighed and twirled the ring on his finger. A second later you were back with two cups of wine and his folder. "Do you want a drink?" you questioned as you raised that glass. "I..I think I shouldn't. Doesn't your boyfriend live with you?" Ben questioned.

You set the glasses down and handed him the folder. "Yes, but he's out on a business trip right now. That's why I invited you over, so I can give you your files back and so we can chat for a bit," you replied. That seemed to have calmed Ben. "Alright, then I'd love a drink," Ben smiled at you. "Great, red or white?" you enquired. "Surprise me," Ben grinned. With that, you walked back to your kitchen and brought two bottles out. "Rombauer chardonnay for me, and Silver Oak cabernet sauvignon for you," you set the bottles down and got the wine key. Ben looked a little shock at the bottle.

"How did you know?" Ben questioned as he looked up at you? "You seemed like a red wine type of person," you opened the bottles and poured a generous amount to each cup. Ben continued to look at the bottle, "This is my favorite wine." You smiled, "Really? I don't like it. It could be because I'm more of a white wine type of person."

"Does your boyfriend drink this?" Ben questioned. "Actually..he doesn't drink at all. I bought the bottle yesterday in case you actually stayed for a drink. Lucky guess," you grinned. Ben didn't think it was a lucky guess or a coincidence. He left the subject. Ben started out the conversation about how beautiful your home was and how he couldn't imagine the sum of money it cost.

The conversation picked up from there. It was back and forth, question after question, story after story. By the time Ben checked his watch, 3 hours had passed. "Oh I love your watch, where did you get it from?" you questioned. "Erm, Hugo Boss," Ben replied. "How much was it?" you asked. Ben's grin slowly began to fade away, "I..I don't know. My fiancée bought it for me."

You gasped in excitement, "You have a fiancée and you didn't tell me?" Ben nipped at his bottom lip, trying to contain all his emotions. "I had. She...she," Ben began to tremble a little, "she passed away a few years ago." He finally said it. Your smiled dropped. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Ben," your friend instincts kicked in and you immediately went to hug him.

He accepted your warm embrace. "I'm your friend, I want you to know that you can talk to me about it if you're comfortable enough. I enjoy spending my time with you, and I'm truly sorry about what happened," you comforted him.

After a few minutes of silence, you offered him to stay in one of the guest bedrooms. It was already late and he was in no state to drive. He accepted the offer. You hugged him one more time before you departed to your own room.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now