Partners (12)

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*Five months later*

You woke up with a little ray of sun hitting your eyes. You stretched out your arms and yawned in the process. You looked at your phone and saw it was 6 am. You sighed in frustration, always waking up at the same hour. You got up and put on your robe.

You walked downstairs to your kitchen and began to prepare yourself your daily cup of coffee. "Alexa, play my morning playlist," you calmly said out loud. Alexa responded by playing your music. Just as you were pouring your cup of coffee, you heard the front door open.

"Chase! How many times have I told you to call me before you get here!" you screamed from the kitchen. All you heard were some bags falling on the floor. The wooden floor began to creak as cautious steps approached you. A pistol barrel was immediately pointed to you. You raised your arms in the air.

"Ben," you looked at him in a shocked state. He lowered the gun and promptly raised it up again, losing his shocked state. "Jesus, why is it always so dark in here," Chase's voice appeared. You didn't say anything and stared at Ben. Chase entered the kitchen, "Oops, erm Ben, lower your gun."

"She almost killed me last time we were in the same room," he had a monotone voice. "Let me explain," you took a step forward, but that only caused him to take the safety off. "Ben, disarm your weapon. That's an order. She is no threat to us. She's been living here for the past five months," Chase sternly said.

"She died five months ago. I saw the pictures," Ben lowered his gun and looked at Chase. He turned to you next, "I saw your lifeless body. You were shot on sight." The shock was now creeping on him. "Ben, I was undercover the whole time," you tried to explain.

"Bullshit!" Ben yelled, "You almost killed me!" You looked to Chase, "Can I go change so we can talk about this?" Chase nodded, but Ben seemed to disagree. "Follow me if you want. I promise you that I am not a threat to you or anyone," you sincerely said. Ben decided to follow you, he was not trusting a word you were saying.

As walked to the middle of the room and waited for Ben to be in sight. You opened your robe and let it fall on the floor. Your underwear was the only thing you had on. You slowly rotated just so Ben could see there was nothing on your body. There were clothes nearby and decide to put those on.

You walked back to the kitchen, Ben following right behind you. Chase had helped himself with a cup of coffee. "Do you want one?" you asked Ben. "Explain," Ben replied, taking a seat at the dining table. You sighed and looked over to Chase, he motioned for you to go on.

"Ben, I'm sorry. I really am. I was undercover the second we got partnered up. My mission was to take down Sanders and that's what I did. He was just captured this morning and is on his way to rot in a small cell with no contact for the rest of his life," you took a seat in front of him. Ben furrowed his brows, he wasn't aware of that news yet. Chase only confirmed it was the truth.

"What about all those people you killed? You almost killed Stephanie, you were so close to killing me," Ben's fury turned to sadness. "No agent ever died by my bullet or my command. I saved your life that night at the club," you replied. Ben retorted a chuckle, "Saved me and Stephanie? NO! You stabbed us!"

"Did you ever notice her blood consistency? Did you notice I was trying to stall? I could have killed her on the way to the room," you sighed, "When I was covering your view of her and when I covered her mouth,  I put a powder in her mouth that was going to thicken her blood. It's a medication used on anemics, but in this case, it was used to stop the heavy blood flow."

"I do admit, knocking her unconscious and breaking her nose was never really part of the plan. I was furious when I learned she was hitting on you. But as soon as I saw that thick blood come out, I had to stab her. I pushed her down to the floor to make sure she didn't lose as much blood as if she were standing up."

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