Destiny (1)

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"You can do this, just take it easy," Ben's leg bounced up and down as he waited in a waiting room. He exhaled and inhaled deeply, feeling his heart pound in his chest. His mouth was becoming dry and his nervous were getting out of control. He looked to the floor and contemplated on leaving, but at the same time he wanted to stay.

His thoughts were going at a thousand miles an hour. His leg wouldn't stop moving even if he pushed it down. "Fuck," he whispered under his breath. The nerves got the best of him. Ben stood up, grabbed his files and turned to the door.

"Mr. Cumberbatch," the lady at the front desk called for him. He harshly swallowed and went her direction. "Oh, looks like you have a 6th sense," she giggled since she saw him get up before she called his name. Ben could only conjure a fake smile. "Follow me please," she led him past cubicles, down a hall, then to a spacious room.

She opened the door for him and Ben walked in. He felt his heart in his ears and his body go numb. The lady had closed the door and left. There was a person on the desk finishing up some papers. Without looking she began to apologize for the tardiness. "Sorry about the wait, I just had a very difficult client, please take a seat," the woman at the desk encouraged him.

Ben's lips had turned white and his limbs were numb. The woman finally raised her gaze to him, to only see the state he was in. "Are you okay? Do you need water?" she got up and walked to him. She led him to a chair. Ben got out of his shocked state at the contact. "Erm, yes, some water would be good if you don't mind," Ben politely spoke up.

She was gone and back in a second with a cold water. She waited for him to finish it up. "How are you feeling?" she decided to ask again. "Better," Ben responded this time. "I'm really sorry about the wait, is there any inconvenience if you stay a little later than planned?" the woman crossed her arms on the table. "That's perfectly okay, Ben faintly smiled and placed his files and phone on the chair next to him.

"Thank you, you're the nicest person that has stepped in this office today. My name is [Y/n] [L/n], how can I assist you?" you extend your hand to shake his. Ben nervously shook your hand, "I'm Benedict Cumberbatch and I'm here to file my taxes." You smiled at him, "That's great. I see you're an early bird, most people try to wait until the last week. Let's get started."

Ben's mind went blank, his breathing was the only thing he could hear. He saw as you logged into your computer and your lips move. He saw you quirk your brows making him snap out of his daze. "You brought your files with you, correct?" you repeated again. "Erm yes," Ben set his phone aside and passed you the folder he had. You began to look at the papers but didn't get through much.

Your door opened with a very handsome man peaking his head inside. "Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized. "Excuse me for a quick second," you got up and went to the door, you stepped outside but Ben could still make out the words said. "I thought you were done," he guy told you. "The last person was horrendous to work with so she made me spend more time with her. He's my last today. I think we'll have to reschedule the dinner," you told the guy before coming back in.

"Hectic day?" Ben questioned. "You don't even know," you jokingly replied. "Erm, I actually remembered that I have to be somewhere in 40 minutes and it's quite a drive," Ben told you. "Oh, that's perfectly fine. I'm sorry again for the tardiness. You can go ahead and reschedule at the front office, free of charge," you smiled at him, "Actually, here have my business card. My email, work and personal phone number is on it."

Ben grabbed his files and your card, "Thank you." The both of you got up, and you walked him to the door. "I hope to see you soon, and so sorry about the delay," you apologized once more. "It's completely fine," Ben turned around once more to take a good look at you. He glimpsed at your beautiful eyes and back at your smile. "Have a good evening," he faintly smiled and began to walk again.

His breath began to get ragged again as he got further and further away from you. His anxiety shot up without a warning. He reached for his pocket to get his phone to notice nothing there. Ben was already at the front desk again. "Ma'am, is there anyway I could go back to get my phone," Ben nicely asked even though he felt his heart pounding in his chest. The lady let him go back.

Ben rubbed his palm with his thumb, the anxiety going up by the second. He can't do this again, he doesn't want to. Ben tried to, but it's too much for him. As he got to your door, the handsome man opened it. Both men looked at each other. Ben nervously stuttered, "Uh sorry, I believe I left my phone in here."

"Oh," you had your coat on and passing your desk, "I see it." You grabbed his phone from the chair and handed it to him. He shyly bid his goodbyes and walked out again. His cheeks were red full of embarrassment for some reason. As he stood outside, Ben stopped in his tracks since he heard you speak.

"So where's dinner going to be?" you smiled at the handsome guy. "Whatever you'd like to go. I didn't make a reservation anywhere in case you wanted to change your mind," he spoke. " are you expecting to get seated early on a Friday night?" you chuckled. "I have no idea, but we'll figure it out," Austin replied while you giggled.

Ben felt his hands tremble more and his heart rate quickened when he heard you two kiss. Before he could hear anymore, he began to speed walk to the exit. He was out of your sight before you exited your office with Austin.

At the street, Ben called over a taxi and got in. "Where to?" the taxi enquired. "Uh," Ben's mind went completely blank, "Santa Monic pier." The taxi driver nodded and made his way there. Ben slightly made his leg jump during the ride. It was half an hour drive due to the traffic, but once there he stepped out to the place full of people.

He began his journey down to the beach. Once down there, he took a seat and looked at all the happy families and people enjoying an evening. Ben sighed and looked forward to the ocean.

That's it. No more. You got what you needed. Ben thought to himself. It was his oath to never see you again. He stayed seated for as long as he could. Ben finally got up until the last ray of sunshine vanished. He got his files and dusted the sand off of him. Ben walked up to the street again and called another taxi to finally go home.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now