Partners (9)

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Six more months went by. No sign of Christopher Sanders. Tom and Cassie constantly checked on Ben. They knew what was growing between the both. "Mate, it's been a year. I know it seems forever, but we'll find them soon," Tom tried talking to Ben at his desk. Ben simply nodded and continued finishing his work. 

"Hey Ben, it's almost 6, go home," Tom patted his friend on the back. "Or, you can come to get some drinks with me," Stephanie, a fairly new agent that had joined the team. Ben looked up at her and gave her a weak smile, "Sorry Stephanie, maybe another time. I don't feel too well tonight." 

"Fine, raincheck for next Friday?" she questioned Ben. He simply nodded, "Yes." Stephanie smiled and walked towards the exit. Tom shook his head as soon as she was out of sight. "You're never going to give her a chance, are you?" he asked Ben. "Nope. I'm not looking to find anyone right now. I'm trying to find Y/n," Ben sternly responded. 

"Ben, I don't think you realize that you can do that without pushing away friends. We all want to find her, but there's so much we can do. Clues and leads don't come out of thin air. It takes time, especially with Sanders," Tom got up from his seat. He patted Ben once as a goodnight and left Ben alone in the office. 

It's been 6 months since he last saw you. A month after he saw you, the FBI announced they were looking for your connections with Christopher Sanders and the rest of his men. People who didn't know you assumed the worst of you. They thought you were a traitor, siding with a man who wanted to take control of weak people. Ben hated that thought. 

He grabbed his coat. It was better to mope around at home anyways.


Six months and a year, that's how long you've been gone. Ben sat with the rest of the agents at the long rectangular table, with Chase at the end. It's the mid-year update on what's going on, and who's a priority to catch. Sander's picture was right on top, following yours and Emmanuels. "As we know, ex-agent Y/n has been very active these past few months," Chase started, "She has a lot of intel on our systems, so she's doing all the dirty work for Sanders, more so than Emmanuel and his men."

Chase changed the picture on the screen to a news story that hit a few weeks ago. A shoot-out at the border, Y/n leading it. Kilos of drugs were passed through a way you had come up with. Many trips had been successful, but this one went bad. Twenty officers were injured, and five were killed. "She's been having more successful pass-throughs than any other man we have seen. Her rate is double the amount of any other man that has been doing this for years, she's been doing it for a little less of a year."

"She's also aware of our undercover agents," Chase continued and changed the screen to show 3 headshots of 2 men and a woman. Their names were unknown and their identity was being covered with a thick, solid line across their eyes. "She personally executed 3 of our agents, making us pull the rest back from their undercover spots. Years of work have been wasted."

Ben looked down at his hands, he still can't believe all of it. "We're unsure what our next move is. We're completely blind here. One of the best agents we had turned on us. We're just trying to catch up," Chase solemnly said. Nobody said a word. He changed the picture to Emmanuel, he began to talk about him. 

Ben's heart always sank to his stomach thinking that you were actually capable of taking lives because of your commitment to your mission. Then again, what if you weren't complying with your mission anymore? What if you were actually siding with Sanders?


"That's my girl," Sanders patted on his lap after you dropped a gym bag full of racks. You smirked at him and sat on the spot he was patting on. He slipped your pocket knife back into your pocket. "Do you see what happens when you have the smartest fucking woman on your side?" Sanders spoke up to the men lining the wall. 

"You get success. You get more money. You get more..." he turned to look at you before continuing with a menacing tone, "Power." He stared into your eyes as you happily smirked. "Two years. It took her two years to be better than any of you scumbags. She was sitting behind a desk her whole life," Sanders turned to everyone again. "You have been doing this your whole life," he scoffed at them. 

"As you know, changes had to be done around here." He motioned for you to get up with his hand so he could go to the one lifeless body near the men. A man was facedown, a pool of blood surrounding him. Sanders went and flipped the body over without any difficulty. It was Emmanuel, with a bullet hole right in between his eyes. 

"Now..." Sanders looked down at his old acquaintance and back to his employees, "Next man that doubts what our ex-agent is capable of doing..," he dropped the gun on Emmanuel's torso. "Well, no need to explain." He rubbed his hands as if he got done with the dirty dishes. 

He walked over to you and gave you a hot kiss on the lips. "Does everybody understand?" His voice roared through the room. "Yes, boss!" All employees responded in unison. Sanders simply nodded and motioned for them to leave the room. 

Sanders leaned you up against the wall. He smirked as he held onto your jaw and held your body against his. "I know you scare the shit of them. Shit, you scared the fuck out of me the first time you escaped and slit one of my men's throats in front of me," he released your jaw and held your hips with both hands. 

You moaned as he bit down on your collarbone. You opened your eyes, your sight immediately falling on Emmanuel. You chuckled making Christoper stop kissing you. He followed your eyes. "And to think I was going to put a bullet in him 2 years ago. Shit, I was going to put my knife in him yesterday," you mentioned as you pulled out your knife that Sanders kindly returned. 

"That, my darling, is why I decided to give it back," he smiled at you. "Go get the other girls. Meet me in my room," he winked at you. "Yes sir," you responded before giving him a heated kiss. He smacked your ass as you walked by. 

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