Destiny (7)

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"Hello?" your mom answered. "Cut the crap mom. I know what happened," you spoke up. "No honey, you don't. I am trying to protect you. Are you safe? Tell me where you are so Austin can go pick you up," she tried to convince you on that. "Jolene, you cheated on my dad. It's not the first time either. You and him were already having trouble and that would've been the last straw. Dad has been filled with lies, and you did all of this to protect yourself, and not me," you harshly spoke.

"Oh please," your mom's tone completely changed, "Do you think I would have actually allowed you date your teacher? You're a lunatic. Your father would have taken care of this even if you hadn't almost killed yourself. Be grateful I actually called your father to take you to the best hospital we could get to. Who do you think your father would side with anyways? The stupid girl who lost her memory, or his wife?"

"How about the man who knows all the truth and has evidence," Ben spoke up, "Jolene, don't forget I am involved in this too." Your mom stayed quiet for a while. "What the fuck do you want Benedict? Money? Leave my daughter alone, you're only going to manipulate her," your mom said with a harsh tone.

"You're calling him a manipulator? Mom, you're a fucking hypocrite. A lying, cheating, hypocrite. I know he's not lying because I can remember things that he hasn't told me. I had a golden retriever when I was 6, her name was Lady. She died of head trauma because you hit her. Every Sunday, dad and I would go to Central Park to have ice cream. I can only remember things about New York. I don't have any memories of California," you exclaimed to your mom.

"Jolene, drop the act. [Y/n] knows everything. There is nothing you can do," Ben decided to chip in. "Watch me," she menacingly said and hung up. As soon as she did that, Ben dialed the phone number you had put on his other phone. You wanted to be a step ahead of your mom, so you had input your dad's number on the other phone.

"Hello, who is this?" your father answered defensively since you called his personal phone. "It's me dad, don't worry, I'm okay," you replied to him. "Oh honey, we're so worried about you. What happened, do you need me to pick you up? I know an engagement can be a lot, but we can talk without your mother or Austin knowing," he calmly replied.

"I don't think it's best for us to meet right now, but I want to tell you that I know the truth and I remember what happened. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at Jolene. This is not your fault dad, she was manipulating us," you started to explain to your father. " know?" your father asked.

"Yes dad. I was born in New York and I've always been from there. I was pronounced dead a few hours after my crash because you and mom wanted to get me away from my then boyfriend. Yes, it's true that my professor was my boyfriend," you looked at Ben and grabbed his hand, "Actually, he wasn't my boyfriend, he was my fiancé." Ben smiled and kissed your knuckles.

"Honey, I don't think–" your dad started off but you cut him off. "I know you're against it, but let me explain what happened. You cannot talk to Jolene right now. You can't go home because she'll try her hardest to brainwash you. I know she's cheated on you before and you two have had problems because of it. The reason I crashed that day was because I found Ben, my fiancé, and my mom kissing. It was all Jolene's fault. You know her better than I do, so you know she'd throw herself at anyone who merely smiled at her."

The line was quiet for a while. Ben decided to speak up, "Hello sir, I know this is the most inappropriate way to meet again, but I can go into more detail of what happened. I can assure you that I've loved your daughter since I laid eyes on her. Her beauty and her intelligence pulled me in. I would never do anything to hurt her, and as you can tell already, I would go very far to make her happy."

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now