Destiny (2)

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"Iced caramel macchiato please," Ben ordered at the Starbucks and paid for his drink. He took a seat at a small circular table. He placed his things on the chair in front of him while he went to grab his drink. Once he was back, he took his laptop out and began to do some work. 

Occasionally he would grab some papers from his book bag and compare it to the screen. He had a red pen out and numerous papers scattered though out the table. Ben would sometimes mumble to himself and send a couple of emails. After what only seemed 30 minutes, there was another cup placed next to his empty one. 

Ben looked up and felt the shock go through his body. "Iced caramel macchiato?" you questioned as you set it down. "Uh," Ben's words were stuck in his throat, "Yeah, that's my order. How did you know?" You simply shrugged, "I'm psychic." Ben's lips formed a smile. "Or I'm just a great guesser," you confessed as you smiled back at him. 

Ben cleared out all the papers he had in front of his other seat and gestured for you to take a seat if you liked. You took a seat and set your same drink in front of you. "I'm so sorry, but I have to ask. Why did you never make a follow up meeting?" you looked over at Ben. He was shocked by the question and completely forgot that a month had passed by since he last saw you. 

"I'm sorry, I've just been really busy and I could not make any appointments lately. It got to the point that UCLA did my taxes for me, free of charge," Ben commented. "Oh," that caught you off guard, "I thought it was a because I couldn't get you in on time." Ben chuckled, "No, it wasn't that. I understand that there are some very special people in this world that are too busy preoccupied about theirselves that they don't realize there are other humans in this planet." 

That made you laugh, "The Karen's of this world." Ben quirked his brows, "Who?" You had to chuckle, "I guess thats what Millennials call those selfish people, it's a younger generation thing." Your eyes suddenly grew wide as you said your last statement. Ben had to laugh at your reaction, "So you're calling me old now?" 

You frantically shook your head, "No, I'm so sorry, no. That was not my intention at all." Ben smiled, he knew you meant no disrespect, "Don't worry about it, I'm just messing with you." He could see the faint red in her blush. Ben decided to grab his cup and clink it with yours to make a toast, "To all the Karens in this world." You repeated it with him in a shyer tone. 

After a few silent seconds, you saw his papers. "So you're a student at UCLA?" you questioned. "Good redemption, but no. I'm actually a professor there," Ben smiled and took another sip of his coffee. "Oh really, what do you teach?" you were more engaged in the conversation. "Advanced literature," Ben replied. "Really? I took that course my final year of college, I didn't see you there," you quirked your brows. "This is my second year teaching there. You must've taken it with the professor prior to me," Ben slightly smiled. 

"Well that's a shame. That other professor was very strict and would be livid if we got a question wrong. I can tell you're a very laid back, yet strict professor. It must be amazing to be in your class. Especially since you have a great humor," you told him. Now it was Ben's turn to slightly blush. "Also, I'm sorry again for saying that you're old. I really did not mean it in that way. I consider old people to be above the age of 50 and you still look very young and attractive," you widened your eyes once again. 

"I'll take that as a complement," Ben chuckled. You seemed to have relaxed a little more with him. "So why so far away from UCLA? There's plenty of coffee places there and near there," you pointed out. "Yes, very true, but I prefer a calmer scenery. Those coffee places are filled with college students and I always have my fair share with them in class," Ben explained. "What about you? It's far away from your offices," Ben told you. 

"Yeah its a bit far, but I'm actually near here to visit my parents," you replied. Ben only shook his head in acknowledgment. You two stayed talking for a while, Ben talked more about UCLA than anything. You looked at the time and saw you had to leave. 

"Before I go, I want to tell you that I know you lied about your taxes being done because I can still see the portfolio in your book bag and nobody does taxes in UCLA unless they charge you $1000. So I'm just going to slide you my card again for you to give my office a call or myself. We can work outside of office hours," you slid him your card. 

Ben blushed as he was caught in the lie. He grabbed onto your card, "I'll see when I can in the next week. Midterms are this week so my meetings are going to clear up." You smiled at him, "Perfect." Ben and you stood up at the same time. 

"I'm so sorry, but I forgot your name again," you apologized. "It's Ben," he chuckled. "Oh yes, Benedict Cumberbatch. I remember now," you smiled. For some reason, instead of giving a handshake to each other, the both of you mentally agreed to give a hug. 

Ben's arm carefully wrapped you in while you were close to his body. The both of you departed from the embrace, a smile plastered on your lips. "I really hope to hear from you again Ben," with that you departed. 

Ben took his seat again, his heart racing once again. His vow from a month ago was broken, but he didn't do anything to break it. It was destiny that put you in his way. 

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now