Insane (1)

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"I promise you, it'll help," Benedict Wong walked with Benedict Cumberbatch to a wide and lengthy tent near the set they were on. They were weeks into shooting scenes for Doctor Strange 2 now, which meant a lot of sleepless nights, physical stress, and multiple bruises over their bodies.

"I don't think I really need it. It just feels soar, but nothing to worry about," Benedict Cumberbatch reluctantly followed his fellow friend. He's been doing his own stunts in the past couple of days and has taken some hits here and there, and been thrown around hitting walls. He was sure that the pain near his shoulder blade was nothing but a bruise from a stunt.

They both stopped at a white tenant with a sign beside the entrance that read "Chiropractor and Massage". Benedict Wong opened the tenant door and led the other Benedict in.

"Remember, I'm giving up my time slot for you to get better, so you can't leave soon," he reminded Cumberbatch of his decision. They walked a little further before reaching a very spacious open floor. There were a few stretching machines throughout the room and of course a massage area with serene music playing lightly in the background.

"You're here early," you turned around to see two Benedict's in front of you. "Oh, sorry Mr. Cumberbatch," his presence caught you off guard. You looked over at your typical 6pm walk in, "You know you're not allowed to have guest right, Wong?"

"I wish he were a guest, but he's taking over my walk in. I'm pretty sure he screwed up his shoulder blade but he's being persistent it's a minor bruise," he walked over to you, "Take a look please. I'm giving up a blessed time for him to feel better."

Benedict Cumberbatch just rolled his eyes in a playful manner. He didn't want to be there, but since his friend was intensely persistent, he decided to give it a try; and to partially prove him wrong.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him. I would also tell you to come after he's done but I'm out of here in about half an hour, so see you tomorrow?" You asked Wong, who's considered himself your friend. A small smile widened, "See you tomorrow then," he replied.

He stopped by Benedict who was standing in the middle of the room, "You're going to owe me $20 after this," and then left the tent. Ben playfully scoffed.

You were don't preparing the table where you were going to evaluate how his shoulder blade was. "Mr. Cumberbatch, please take a seat here," you motioned towards the chiropractic table. He took a seat.

Ben followed all your instructions. You told him to sit and stand, how to walk and move. You asked him to stretch how he normally does and to recreate movements that cause him to be uncomfortable. You said nothing while looking at the way he moved.

You told him to sit up and then you grabbed a chair nearby to type on your laptop. "So, you owe Wong $20," you started off, "Your shoulder blade seems to be fine, but I think some muscle are really taking a toll on what you're doing. Are you doing your own stunts?"

He pursed his lips, "Yes." You shook your head, "Well, as my duty to try and help your muscle relax and become better, I need you to stop doing that. If I'm correct, you have a couple of stunt doubles who are perfectly trained for their job. I mean completely no disrespect, but you're no position to be thrown into walls the way that you've been these past couple of days. I'm not saying that you can never do it again, I'm just saying that you need to take a week or 2 off from doing stunts."

Your news brought him aback. He was actually shocked that it wasn't just a normal bruise on his back. You went behind him and touched near the spot his muscle was giving him an issue. "You need this muscle to reach to things. My recommendation is for you not ruin your muscle by doing your own stunts. We can start helping your muscle by getting chiropractic help, as well as massages to help let that muscle loosen its tension."

You had walked up to him again. His face was still in complete shock. "It's not entirely bad, is it?" was his first question that he brought up. "No, not completely. Like I said, I can help you starting today and in two weeks you can start your own stunts again, but at a much lower intensity," you guaranteed him. That's all he wanted to hear. "Perfect, let's start now then," he smiled at you.

You reciprocated the smile and told him to lay down on his stomach. You put your hands on his back and tried to feel the way his bones were aligned. "I don't think Wong told you, but this will hurt," you mentioned before starting. "I don't think it will," Benedict confidently said through the headrest. You smirked, knowing damn well he was going to feel the sorest he's felt in a while.

You began cracking this back, pushing force in the spots that needed it, and avoiding spots that could cause more tension. He loudly groaned on the first one, but didn't say anything. He told him to sit up and face the other way, instead of you. Ben sat up and did that. "I'm going to lock my arms with yours. Don't let go," you told him while getting in position.

Without another warning, you picked up Ben with your back and made the bones from the middle to his upper back crack. He groaned again. You knew that was a necessary move, but also knew it hurt like hell for him.

You motioned for him to lay down in a couple of other positions and cracked his back that were a lot less painful that the first couple movements you did. You were finally done and told him to sit up and move again to see if there was any discomfort in his shoulder blade. Ben, reluctantly moved, but to his surprise, there was no sharp pain. His body did hurt from the way you cracked it, but that specific pain near his shoulder blade was gone.

"I'm assuming it doesn't hurt there anymore," you spoke up after watching his reaction. "No, it doesn't," he replied back with a smile. Ben got up and stretched. "That didn't take so long," he chuckled.

"Well, there's a second part to it. Since it's your muscle that's giving you the tension, I want to work on it a little today. While I'm at it, I can give you a whole body massage and work on areas that are sore," you replied. "Oh, ok," Ben did like the sound of a fully body massage.

"I'll take a step out while you take your clothes off. Only take off what you're comfortable with. Then just go face down under the covers and I'll handle the rest of the appointment," you smiled and walked out the tent. After two minutes, you called his name to confirm he was on the table top and under the sheets.

You dimmed the lights a little to make the tenant more comfortable, as well as turning up the tranquil music to play in the background. You uncovered the top half of his body and began to work on his sore muscles.

Your normal routine takes about an hour, but since you needed to go to a personal appointment, you had to end the massage 15 minutes early. You wiped your hands with a hand towel, "I apologize Mr. Cumberbatch, but I'll have to owe you 15 minutes next time you come in."

He didn't move or say anything. You silently laughed to yourself. He was asleep and probably has been for the majority of the massage. You went by his side and slightly moved him, "Mr. Cumberbatch, you need to wake up." Still nothing. You shook him a little harder this time causing him to jolt up and stand on the other side of the table.

All the sheets fell to the floor. You immediately turned around. Nobody usually takes everything off, they always leave on underwear, but Ben decided to take it all off. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I couldn't wake you up the first time," you simply said.

"Shit," he said under his breath and grabbed the sheets to cover himself up. "I'll take a step out so you can get dressed. I'll see you outside," you kept your composure and made your way out. After two minutes, a very timid Ben came out.

"I really do apologize for all of .. that," Ben said as soon as he stepped out. "Please, don't worry. A lot of people fall asleep," you tried to divert the attention away from his stark naked body. He immediately lost tension knowing that it was probably never going to be spoken of.

"Wong is going to absolutely hate you after today. I'm going to ask him to come an hour earlier or to see when we can work out a schedule where he can come at another time. I think it's best if we continue this routine for about 2 weeks, with a visit every 2 days or 3. It all depends on how you're feeling. Tomorrow you will wake up sore from how I moved all your muscles, but after a couple times you'll get used to it," you smiled at him.

"Yeah, that actually sounds great. I really don't remember falling asleep, but my body just feels less tense already. And again, I really do apologize," Ben repeated. "Believe me, it's not the first time it's happened and it probably won't be the last," you kept it at that.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن