Partners (8)

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"Look, Ben," you held onto his hand, "they caught me. They don't know who I really am, but they saw what I could do and they thought I had potential." Ben was still speechless. "I was able to get Cassie out, but there were severe consequences," you paused for a moment. 

You took off your shirt to show some healing scars. You showed him a part of your back was skinned off. "I was tortured, not to die, but to feel all the pain. It went on for days and nights. Tool after tool. They tried everything, but they eventually realized I wasn't going to give up after that skinning session."

"That's when they had to call the big gun out of his territory, Christopher came to pay me a visit. He wanted to seduce me, and use me for my tolerance," you put your shirt back on. "I had a lot of time to think in that slimy shit hole they had me in. I knew my only way out was to get close to the only person that had control there. I made him think I was hopeless, which lead to me getting out."

"So you escaped, right?" Ben questioned. "Technically right now, I am kidnapped. There's so much that has happened in 6 months. I can't explain it all, but I promise I'll try to when it's all over," you held onto his hand. "When's that going to be," Ben questioned, even though he knew it wasn't going to be soon.

"I have no idea..." you looked down to the floor and deeply exhaled. "I'm on my mission, and I did what had to be done to be trusted. I'm in his circle. I'm one of his mistresses. He has a wife that cares for his children. Then he has multiple of us," you pulled your shirt up and a part of your jeans down. A straight line under your stomach was visible.

"Ben, I can't have kids anymore. He took that from me, and the girls he uses when he doesn't want to be with his wife," you felt a tear creeping in your eye. Ben promptly hugged you, "I'm so sorry." You returned the tight embrace but kept your composure. "I need your help, so other people can stop getting hurt by this monster and the people behind him," you looked up to see his eyes. 

"What do you want me to do?" Ben let go and held onto your hands. "Remember those little microphones? I need as many as you have on hand right now. It's the perfect time to get those especially since they're coming to get me back," you replied. "They're coming back for you?" Ben furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm valuable to them. I have dirt on them, but not enough for them to spend the rest of their shitty lives in prison," you explained, "Please, I need you to go and get them as soon as possible. Don't tell Chase I'm here. I don't know how long we have until they come here. This is one of their empty distribution points."

Ben nodded and began to think about how many of those devices he had in his apartment. You stopped him before he left, "One more thing, and I know you won't like it. You have to punch me in the face and tie me up." Ben shook his head and took a step back. "Ben," you sternly looked at him, "I'm 'kidnapped.' I can't be loose if they end up getting here before you."

He knew you were right. "I promise it won't hurt me as much as you think it will. I know how to take a punch," you winked at him and quickly gave him a peck on the lips. Ben softly chuckled and inhaled deeply. You took a ready stance, as did he. 

Within a minute, Ben landed 2 punches on each side of your face (as you requested), and he was already tying you to a chair with some rope that was nearby. "You never told me why you're going to be on the most wanted list," Ben casually brought it up.

"Well, I'm doing things that Christopher wants me to do, that ruins my career as an officer of the law," you gave a broad answer. Ben looked up at you and quirked his brows, "If you can't tell me, just say it." You and he chuckled. "Yeah, it's a little complicated. Just make sure to pick a decent picture for me," you tried to joke to make the whole scenario a little lighter. 

Ben did the final knot on your feet and got up. He undid his formal shirt to show his undershirt. He ripped a part of it to tie it around your mouth. Before he did that, he gave you a kiss, "I promise to get you back soon." You smiled before he tied his piece of the shirt to your mouth as well as your eyes. 

He grabbed his gun before giving you one more look and heading out to his car. He started the engine and began to speed his way to his apartment. There had to be a way to get you safely back from them. He drove 30 minutes to his house. 

Once Ben was in his apartment, he went directly to his safe to retrieve those microphones. He promptly grabbed the few that he had and put them in a small clear bag. He instantly remembered what you said about the location, it used to be a distribution place for Chris. 

Ben ran out of his apartment and to his car. He was simultaneously dialing Chase at HQ. "Ben this better be important," Chase sternly answered, it's been a tough week at work. "I found Y/n and an old distribution center that Sanders owns. They're on their way to get her. We have no time to build a team, we have to go now!" Ben started his car and turned on his sirens. 

He could hear Chase calling out to the nearest agents in the office. "I'll send you the location. Make sure to bring weapons and vests, we'll need them," Ben hung up for him to send the location to Chase. His drive back to the warehouse was cut to 15 minutes. Chase and a couple of other cars were minutes behind him. 

Ben got there, he immediately started drawing a small map on the dirt. Chase and his coworkers got there within 2 minutes. "Where is she?" Chase got out of the car and went straight to Ben. "Right here," Ben pointed in the middle of his improvised map, "There's a huge open space, so we should be fine. There's no cover in case we get ambushed. To my knowledge, there's no other entran–"

His sentence was cut short by the revving engine coming from the other side of the building. Everyone glanced up in that direction. They immediately heard your screams. As soon as they did, Ben and Chase grabbed onto their guns. Ben began to run towards the building, Chase tried to stop him. He made the decision to help Ben rescue you. He directed everyone to go follow Ben. He was one of the first ones in the group to run in Ben's direction. 

Ben got inside the warehouse to see you weren't in the same spot. Chase and the rest got there. A door on the other end of the warehouse was slammed shut. Everyone ran towards it. The revving engine was audible to everyone. Another exit door was visible. Ben drew his gun before kicking the door open. He pointed his gun left and right. 

A couple of cars were already driving off, but some men with bigger guns guarded the last 2 cars that were parked. A man was carrying you over his shoulder while you were still restrained. Ben took cover behind an A/C unit and began to take some shots at the guys. The two men guarding the cars turned in his direction and began to retaliate. 

Chase and the rest of his coworkers came out in unison to help Ben take them down. The man carrying you ran to the car at the very end and threw your unconscious body in the trunk. The other two men ran to the other car. The cars sped away without a single scratch. 

"Fuck!" Ben screamed. He was so close. 

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now