Destiny (6)

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"Your mom lied about your death because I chose you over her. It was never my fault, I promise you that. She was the one that came to my classroom and began undressing herself. She kissed me," Ben explained, "I can't deny that I hurt you because I did, but I never wanted any of that to happen. I would never ruin our relationship, especially not in that way. We were going to get married just a few months after your graduation."

"I don't understand how she could've possibly lied and gotten away with it," you looked at him. It's been more than half an hour. Your friends had come outside to get you and ask you if they should call the police, but you only told them it was ok. You then lead him to a bench you had nearby. "After the guards kicked me out, your mom told your father that we were dating. He was infuriated, but instead of him ruining my career, your mom gave him the idea that you should just disappear to another state," Ben continued with the story.

"That's exactly what they did. In that same hour, your dad called everyone he possibly knew and they transferred you to a hospital here in Los Angeles. The doctors were able to pronounce you dead for a while that way news could get to me. They altered your birth certificate because they couldn't find your original one. I had it in my house, so it was easy for them to get a new one with the connections your dad has," Ben told you.

"Wouldn't they be worried that I could remember what happened?" you questioned. "Before your mom talked to me, your parents had talked with your doctor and he told them you had a lot of head trauma. That there was a very large possibilty for you to forget what happened in the past or that there was a possibility that you may only remeber the past. They took their chances and hoped you forgot your past," Ben replied.

"How do you possibly know this?" you inquired. "My love, I've been looking for you these past 4 years. I knew you weren't dead, so I investigated all I could. I followed your parents foot tracks and they led me here. I found you and it broke my heart when you didn't remember me," Ben held onto your hand. "How can I trust you?" you nervously gulped. "Call your mom, she's not the best at keeping secrets," Ben encouraged.

You took your phone out from your dry pocket. This couldn't be true, but what if it was? You dialed her number anyways, you put it on speaker and waited for her to answer. "Hello honey, congratulations on your engagement! I heard the news already, Austin couldn't wait to tell your father," she happily said. "Mom, what happened in New York?" you questioned with a monotone.

Your mom chuckled, "What do you mean? Did something happen in New York that I should know about?" Your mom was acting pretty well. Ben spoke, "Hello Jolene, care to tell your daughter the truth?" The line went silent, then the call ended. Ben got up, "Can they track your location with your phone?"

You quirked your brows, "Why?" Ben helped you up, "We have to go, now. If they find us together they will do anything to keep us apart. I can't lose you again." Ben began to move but you stayed in place, "I..I can't just leave like that. I just got engaged. I don't even know if what you told me is true. You could be crazy for all I know. I have a life with Austin, fake or not."

"Do you love him?" Ben questioned with somber eyes. You stayed quiet for a second, "Y..yes I do." Ben sorrowfully nodded. He got closer to you and stole a kiss from you. He waited for you to push him off, but you didn't. Instead, your hands went behind his neck and his hands went to your waist. After a few seconds you took a step back.

"If you want to know your past and the whole truth, come with me. If you want to keep living your new life without me, then stay," Ben spoke as he took another step back. It didn't seem like you were moving. Ben took that as your answer. "Thank you for letting me talk to you," Ben said before he began to walk away.

You deeply inhaled. You looked behind you to see your group of friends had already forgotten about you. According to a few of them, they had known you since high school, but now all of that could be a lie. You began to walk to your door, but something inside you made you stop. It felt like something wanted to break free. Without a second thought, you turned towards the way Ben went.

"He's almost here, we have to go," you told Ben as you showed him Austin's location. "I know where to go," he grabbed your hand and began to run to a large street. Ben called for a taxi and the both of you were soon set to be at the Santa Monica pier.

When the both of you got out, Ben took you down to the sand where nobody was there. The sand was rough and wet because of the rain. Ben dug a hole and put your phone in there. You stood looking at the waves. Ben saw your expression and saw that you were smiling. "Our honeymoon joke," you blurted out.

Ben smiled, you were remembering a little. "Oh my god, you weren't lying," you finally realized. He grabbed you by the hands, "I would never lie to you. I'll explain more later, but we have to go before he gets here." With that, you and Ben called another taxi and began to make your way to his small apartment.

Once there, Ben pulled out his old phone that still worked. "I have this in case you want to call your mom. They'll be able to track us for a while, but I don't think they're that smart," Ben set the phone next to you. Instead of grabbing the phone, you grabbed onto his hand and pulled him down for a kiss.

Ben wasn't expecting it, but he wasn't going to reject it either. "I faintly remember, I got us sushi that day. Ben, I want you to know that I understand this wasn't your fault. Can you explain our relationship a little more before I call her again?" you sat him next to you. "Of course darling," Ben kissed you once more before telling you everything about your two year relationship.

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