How You Want To (3)

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After months of pain and withdrawal symptoms, Ben was finally getting out of rehab. He's been clean for a total of 6 months and they were finally letting him go. Ben looked different, maybe not in the best way, but he was glad he was finally going back home.

He never told you he was going back, Ben actually wanted to surprise you. It was around 7 in the afternoon when he got there. You were already home. Ben knocked on the door and just waited a few seconds before he got to see your beautiful, stunned face. You stood still when you saw him.

"Hello," Ben sheepishly smiled. You immediately clung to his neck and embraced him in a tight hug; Ben reciprocated your actions. You let go of him and smacked him in his arm, "Why didn't you tell me you were getting out today," you stepped aside so Ben could come in.

"It's lovely seeing you too," Ben jokingly replied. You locked the door behind him and smiled, "Oh I've missed you." You hugged him again. "So have I," this time Ben hugged you with more care. You let go and looked at him, "You look a lot thinner." You touched his face. "That's withdrawal for you, but I promise you I'm going to get healthy. I'm done with the drugs," Ben held you by the hips and smiled.

Andrew walked out of the room looking at his phone, you and Ben let go of each other and Ben took a step back. "Benny Boy, you're back," Andrew looked over at him. Ben simply just nodded his head. Andrew must've been in a good mood since he went to greet his mate in a hug. Ben thought that was weird. "This place got lonely without you. Let's catch up later, yeah? I've got to go," he patted Ben's back and went to give you a long loving kiss. He grabbed his keys then left.

You saw Ben's reaction. "He's changed. He's not much of a prick anymore and he has two jobs. Andrews been happy. I don't know what bug bit him," you chuckled. "Yeah, that was...weird," Ben confessed. "Alright enough about him," you grabbed Ben's hand and led him to the couch, "I've got the slow cooker heating some stew, I want to hear about you."

With that, Ben took a seat next to you and talked about his hard journey in rehab. How there were nights where he found very difficult and wanted to escape. He never did and got through it because he wanted to keep his promise he made you. His story made you let a few tears slip, which then caused you to hug him. You looked at his skinny body and his scruffy face, "I promise I'm going to make your body healthy again."

Ben smiled and held onto your other hand. Your timer rang meaning that the food was ready. You took Ben to the dinning room and placed a big bowl of stew. You knew Ben wasn't going to eat it all, but you wanted him to eat as much as he could. With that, Ben and you continued to talk some more and later wished each other a goodnight.

When Ben walked in his room, he saw a few changes. His sheets were different and there was a blanket in there. Obviously it wasn't a gift from Andrew, so he just smiled and got into bed.


Everything was back to normal, expect for the fact that you were waking up a little earlier. Ben still left the little crack on his door. You woke up and did your morning routine to go to work. Ben thought it was your day off, but things might've changed while he was gone.

He made his way to the living room and began watching tv. A few minutes later you walked out. Ben was shirtless so you could see his rib cage. "Good morning," you spoke out. "Hey, thought it was your day off," Ben quirked his brows at you. "Still is, but i got asked to come in since they fired someone. If you're looking for a job, go ahead and text me so I can tell my boss I can bring someone in," you placed your hand on his shoulder before heading to work.

Ben didn't put much thought into it. He grabbed his phone after a few minutes and texted you he wanted the job. You responded a few minutes later saying you would talk with your boss. With that, Ben went into the kitchen and began making himself a loaded breakfast.

Through mid breakfast, Andrew arrived at the apartment. "Benny Boy," Andrew went to take a seat next to Ben. He thought Andrew was too active for spending a whole night at work. "God damn, I have to thank you mate. You gave me inspiration, you've made me happier," Andrew said with a smile. Ben only quirked his brows.

"Check this," Andrew passed you his phone, he began to play a video. Ben looked at it first but immediately put it down when he saw it was a sex tape. "Oh c'mon have a glance, you know you want to," Andrew mocked. "Why are you showing me?" Ben questioned.

"Remember how you said you were going to fuck [Y/n] how I wanted to? Well nobody does expect for me. And I'm being real honest here, [Y/n] has all the features any man wants, huge tits and a massive ass.  I'm lucky to fuck her. Think of this as a service. You watch me fuck her, like the other dudes on Pornhub watch me fuck her," Andrew set the phone down on the table.

"You two decided to make a profile together?" Ben questioned. "Oh fuck no, she doesn't know she's on it. She thinks I keep these videos to myself. My night shift is me going out to fuck pornstars, that's my night job," Andrew proudly said. "Fuck mate, and [Y/n] doesn't know about this?" Ben questioned in discuss. "Woah, calm your fucking tits, alright. You started this inspiration and be glad I'm telling you about the videos. Now you can masturbate and think your the one fucking her," Andrew put on a smirk and got up. While he was walking to his room, he told you his name on Pornhub.


Hours had passed. You were about to get home and Andrew had left for his real job. Ben sat at his desktop and typed in Pornhub. His hands hovered over the keyboard, unsure if he was actually going to look at the videos. It was something he's always dreamed of, to make love to you, to fuck you, but not like this. He didn't want to see you without your permission. Ben typed in Andrews username and saw all the videos pop up.

He's done videos with you and with a bunch of other girls. He didn't care about anyone else, he just cared about you. His lust was getting the better out of him. Ben gulped once and clicked on the video. He took his laptop to the bed and set it where he could see and comfortable masturbate.

The video was fairly long so he took his time as well. Ben felt pleasure and guilt as he finally got to see your glorious tits and see what your pussy looked like. He bit down on his lip as he moved his hand up and down his dick. Ben was too entranced to hear anything.

You carefully entered your apartment and didn't make any noise. You were walking to your room when you noticed Ben's door was slightly open. You smiled and thought about telling him you got an interview for him, but you saw he was doing something.

You saw through the crack that he was watching porn and masturbating. Instead of leaving, you stood shocked. You couldn't see the screen but you could hear the moans. You quirked your brows hearing the familiarity of the moan, but you were more in shock to see Ben enjoying himself.

You bit your bottom lip, a sensation was growing within you. You left Ben alone to continue his pleasure so you could pleasure yourself.

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