Partners (2)

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"How many times have you been here?" you question Ben as you looked outside your small airplane window. Ben had to think about it, "A couple of times, maybe two or three times." You were staring at the beautiful sunset and mountains, "Do you know anyone around here or do you just tour around?" Ben kept quiet for a second, "I, uh, I have a few friends that live here and I visit them every so often."

After that the conversation finished. The plane was already landing when the sun had fully set. Ben and you just waited for everyone to start moving to collect your luggages. "I told you the sunset was beautiful," Ben commented as the both of you were finally waiting for your luggage. "Yeah, you were right on that," you smiled at him. It was quiet for the rest of the time in the airport and during the drive to your designated location. 

It's been an hour since you and Ben had spoken. "Ok, we have to set a schedule to see when we can set everything up. It's already dark and it's perfect right now since we can be less visible, but I don't want any mistakes or mishaps to happen. So I say we wait until tomorrow morning to set up all the surveillance cameras and computers," you told Ben. 

He had gotten straight to the couch and made himself comfortable there. "Up to you boss, you make the calls and I make the moves," he put his feet up on the couch. You slightly shook your head and went to the kitchen to see if there was any food, but there was nothing. "Do you want to order something for takeout, apparently the CIA doesn't have enough money to feed their agents," you walked out to see him already looking something up. 

"There is some really amazing sushi near here, I'll order it and go pick it up," Ben smiled. "Thank you. And please just go to pick it up, I don't want you to wander around," you replied to him. "What makes you think I'll do that?" he quirked his brows. "I've read your case files, if we're going to be partners, I at least have to know how you act in and out of the field," you informed. 

"Damn, you're good at this aren't you?" Ben grinned. "Duh, it's my job," you sarcastically replied. He got up and made his way to the door, "I'll be back in a flash." He winked at you before exiting out. 


"Good morning sunshine, how did the bed feel?" Ben questioned as he stretched his feet that hung out of the couch. "Amazing, splendid, I've never slept better," you joked around. Ben only groaned and it made you chuckle. "The CIA has millions of dollars and they couldn't get us an apartment with two rooms? Actually, couldn't they get us a better place to stay at. This place is a junk. I think I heard rats walking above and below us in the middle of the night," Ben sat up on the couch. 

"Well, this is where our suspect lives so we deal with it. Nothing more, nothing less," you sat on the coffee table in front of him. "Easy for you to say. At least you sleep in a place where your whole body fits," Ben massaged his back. "How about we switch the couch and the bed each night, that way I don't have to listen to you complaining every day. Sound like a deal?" you got up and patted his shoulder. "Please and thank you," Ben got up after you. 

After ordering and eating up some breakfast, you and Ben began taking out the equipment out of the boxes. You two set it up out of the windows view, but in a place there was enough light where you two wouldn't only see the light of the screen. You took a couple of minutes to set up your main monitor. Ben wanted to help, but it seemed like he was only going to get in your way, especially since he didn't know how to do any of that. 

"How long have you been doing this?" Ben curiously questioned. "Not too sure, couple of years. I can't really remember," you kept it short and simple. After a few more minutes, Ben was handing you the other monitors that were going to display the activity of the various cameras you and Ben had to set up. 

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now