Insane (3)

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"I guess you could say my hands are magic just like Dr. Strange," you said as your flexed your hands. Ben bursted out in a laughter. You were always unintentionally making him laugh. "I'll let you dress," you smiled and walked out the tent.

After a couple of minutes he came out. "Oh by the way, Wong snitched on you. He let me know that you've been doing your own stunts again. I already told you Benedict, you have to be careful," you sternly told him. "I know, I know. I've been super careful," he raised his arm defensively, "You can tell. I've been doing all your stretches before and after shoots. I've taken ice baths like you recommended."

Ben flexed his muscles, "These done lie." You playfully rolled yours eyes and pushed him. "Get out of here. I'll see you later." You two shared a smile before you entered back in the tent.

Ben began walking back to his trailer and saw Wong and Xochtil run to hide. He furrowed his brows but didn't put much thought to it since they were the goof balls of the whole cast. She was always taking videos and he was always dancing in them.

A couple hours later, all three of them were on set. Xochtil was behind the cameras as she saw both Benedict's were on full acting mode. After a couple takes, they both went back to their chairs next to her. Xochtil looked over at Benedict Wong and nudged at him to talk with the other Benedict.

"So, has anything been official?" Wong asked Ben. "No, they're still thinking about when to really start filming that part. The technicalities of it just make it difficult—"

"I'm not talking about that," he cut him off, "I'm talking about you and Y/n. We saw you two talking earlier." Xochtil nodded her head enthusiastically. Ben furrowed his brows, "We're just friends."

"Mhm, just friends that have lunch 4 times a week and are always getting coffee for each other. Okay, I guess so," she responded. Ben chuckled, "I mean, we just talk about the social constructs bestowed upon youth and social media affiliations with worse cases of depression. She tells me about her favorite activist groups and projects and I tell her mine. Oh, and we talk about books."

"You two are lame," Wong huffed and sat back in his chair. Before anything else could be said, the three of them got called over to record a scene. They did a few takes before putting Benedict in a harness. He was about to do his own stunt and be thrown through a window and into a wall.

Wong took out his phone to record for you, since he was your spy. Everything was set and just waiting on Sam Raimi to start the scene. A minute later he yelled action.

In the span of a few seconds, Benedict was pulled back with the harness and slammed into a wall. "Shit!" He contorted his face and groaned. "That was good Benedict!" Sam yelled. Ben stayed sitting in the same position, now holding onto his shoulder. "Oh, someone's in trouble," Wong discreetly said.


"Oh no, I forgot my badge. You can go ahead, I doubt the security at night will let me in," you said as you skimmed through your purse. You were with your coworker, she was your backup when days were hard. "It's ok Gabby, just go," you motioned for her to go into the high security set. She had forgotten her wallet inside her tent and needed to get it before the two of you went out for some dinner and drinks with some other friends.

You were ready to go have some cocktails and seafood. Since both of you were running on two semi empty stomachs, she left you with the front gate security and went to her tent. You started a friendly conversation with him, but shortly ended it when you received a call. It was Ben.

"Hello?" You answered a bit suspiciously. "Hey, I know you were leaving early today, but I was wondering if you were near set by any chance," Ben started off. "Well, I'm actually here with security. Gabby had to come back and get her wallet," you mentioned.

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