Insane (11)

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"I'll call you later okay?" You silently said in the phone as you saw Ben walk into your tent. Every since Zach brought up that you spend a lot more time with Ben, you've made an effort to call him as much as possible so he doesn't feel that way.

"What's that in the bag?" You quirked your brows as Ben put a tote bag on the massage table. "Oh just returning your books and giving you some of mine as well," Ben replied. "Oh thank you. You didn't have to return my books you know. I'll bring yours next time you come," you grabbed the bag and put it next to your desk. Ben leaned on the massage table. You stood next to him.

"About that, I don't really think there's going to be a next time," Ben said, somberly looking you in your eyes. "Oh," his response was not what you were expecting. Everything was going so well in your friendship, it definitely wasn't something you have said or done. "Are you going back home because your scenes are over?" You questioned.

"No, it's not that either. I'll still be around until late filming days. I just honestly think you won't want to be near me after I..," he trailed off. You stood in front of him now to get a better look. He stared right into your eyes as you did with him. You could tell there was something he was holding back.

Ben broke the gaze by taking a glimpse of your lips. That caused you to slightly nip at your bottom lip. You did the same with him; you looked down to his. Within a second, Ben leaned over and gave you the most passionate, yet tender kiss you have received.

Your hearts raced with each other as the kiss picked up its momentum. Ben picked you up and set you in the massage table without breaking contact from your lips. You put your hands on his chest and pushed him back a little.

"No," you breathed out, "No, no, no, no, no. We can't do this. You have a partner and so do I." You got yourself off the table. "I've been dying to do that for the past weeks, and it seems like you have been too. It's torturous having to be near you and not be able to kiss you like that every second," Ben huffed.

"Ben, respect our relationships," you tried to calmly say. "Or what? You don't ever want to be near me again? That's why I brought you back your books. I wanted to take the risk because I fucking miss you," he tried to take a step forward but you put your hand up.

"You miss me now, but what about in a couple of months when you're back in London? You didn't miss me a couple of months ago when you were too busy probably just fucking other women and not even taking the time to reply to a simple hello. I can't jeopardize a real relationship with somebody that cares for me, over someone who wants to simply fuck while they're here," you sternly looked at him.

"What if I don't want it to be just now? What if I want to include you in everything that I do moving on? I have the best conversations, feelings, thoughts, emotions, everything when I'm with you. I'm going insane for you. I understand that you don't want to jeopardize your relationship with Zach, but I would be caring for you. Taking care of you and us. I would be there for you whatever and whenever," Ben took a step forward. This time you didn't move.

You had a million thoughts going through your head right now. "Why did you start dating her?" Was the first thing that came out of your mouth. Ben quirked his brows, "Erm, we just did. We saw each other, went out a couple of times and then we made it official."

"No, I mean why?" You looked him straight in the eyes, "You completely hate her career. At least that's what you've told me. You think models should be more genuine and not bone skinny, tall women. Your views on modeling and you dating her is kind of morally conflicting don't you think?"

You could see Ben was not telling you something again. "It was a fake relationship. It was so she could have her name out in other diverse fanbases, and hopefully the same would happen to me. A marvel actor dating a model, seemed like a good stunt," Ben replied. "Ok, but why," you asked again, "because you don't need the fame or the money. You're saying you're doing charity work?"

Ben tried to look anywhere but your eyes no, "No, well yes. Something like that." You kept a serious face, "So why contradict your views?" He slid his hands down his face, "Because I wanted to make you jealous. You stopped texting me after a long time and I thought you just got tired of me. I proposed the stunt relationship and it was a go. I realized it was a mistake when I sent you the text that we were dating. I saw all the texts you had sent and my empty responses. I fucked up. We caught feelings while I was still in London, but now those feelings are dying for me."

"So is that what's going to happen with us? Once you go back to London your feelings are going to die for me?" You kept your serious tone. "Y/n, my feelings never died for you. The moment I saw you a couple months ago was when I realized I want to be with you," Ben grabbed onto your hand, "I basically lost you once, I'm not doing it again. I don't plan to unless you tell me you want me out of your life for good."

You stared him in his eyes, this time you had more tenderness in your gaze, "Ben, I.. I really fucking like you. I never stopped liking you. I thought I did once you stopped replying to me and then told me you started dating someone else, but I saw you again and it felt like my world stopped for a second. I just can't do this while we're in relationships. It doesn't feel right."

"I'm breaking up with her tomorrow. She was busy today so I didn't want to ruin her plans," Ben replied. "I can't tell you when I'll be doing it. I don't want to cause a commotion since we work in the same vicinity. He's also staying in my trailer for a couple of weeks," you let him know.

"I don't care as long as I am able to still see you. We can wait those weeks. I just want to be near you," Ben caressed your cheek. You closed your eyes and tried to calm down your breathing. "Fuck it," you whispered under your breath and kissed him again. Ben responded by holding your body close to him, continuing the passionate kiss.

You stopped it for a second, to catch your breath. You headed to the tent exit and locked it, as well as turned on your sign. You went back to Ben and led him to the couch. Both took a seat next to each other. Caressing parts of each others body that were missed.

For the next 20 minutes, you and Ben couldn't keep your hands off each other. There was no sex involved, but a lot of adoration and kisses were.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя