Destiny (5)

383 21 6

4 years ago

"How was your last exam?" Ben enquired through the phone. "Awful, but I think I passed. Actually, I hoped I passed," you chuckled. "Well, if you failed, then I'll see you here during the summer semester," Ben joked. "Wow, I am so glad I have a positive, cheerful boyfriend," you sarcastically replied.

"You know it baby," Ben chuckled. "I'm going to get some lunch, do you want anything?" you inquired. "Get me whatever you think I'll like," Ben smiled even though you couldn't see him. "Ben, I've been dating you for two years, I think I know exactly what you like," you laughed, "but I'll see what I can get you, I am a great guesser anyways."

"Okay baby, I have one more class to give and then you come by the classroom. Don't forget your umbrella, it looks like it's going to rain," Ben lowly commented since students started walking into his lecture hall. "Okay, I'll see you soon, I love you," you grinned. "I love you too," Ben replied and hung up. His lectures took an hour and 15 minutes, so in the meantime you went to his favorite sushi place that was nearby and bought him what he liked.

As promised, you got a role that neither of you have tried, but it was going to be a new taste and hopefully taste good. Ben's class was almost over by the time you got to school. In fact, it should've ended by now. He always ends his last class early so he could see you sooner. You sat in your car waiting for Ben to send his text telling you he was done. You used your phone for a while, but decided to head to his class once you saw 5 minutes were left for his actual class time to be over. You got there right in time to eventually see all the students come out, but no one did.

You thought it was weird because you knew they didn't have a test. You cautiously approached the door to peak through the small window. The classroom was empty. You thought maybe some faculty was inside, so you decided to wait a minute. You sent Ben a text asking if it was ok for you to go in.

You had a churning sensation in your stomach. It could be very suspicious if you entered the room and some faculty was there, but you could say you forgot your phone in class or something like that. The weird sensation in your stomach wouldn't stop. You took a deep breath and opened the door.

Luckily there was no faculty there. "Ben?" you lowly called for him. You turned to look at his empty podium and desk. You switched your gaze to the wall near all the controls. Your heart dropped to your stomach. The bag of food was now on the floor. "Mom?" you said loudly.

Both Ben and your mom turned to look at you. Ben was leaned against the wall while your mom had her shirt off. You caught them kissing. "What's going on Ben?" you questioned with hurt in your voice. "I..I can explain," Ben pushed passed your mom and went to you. "Stop," you took a step back with tears in your eyes. You looked past him to see your mom hastily putting on her shirt.

"What are you doing here?" you asked your mom. "Honey, I..I think your professor and I like each other," she shyly said. You looked to Ben with a confused expression. "You're cheating mom. You have a husband, my fucking dad. What makes you think that Ben likes you? Just because he complimented your dress when he came over for dinner does not mean he's into you," you looked at her with disgust. You scoffed and looked away.

"Please don't tell your dad," you mom pleaded. "Why? So he can keep giving you all the money you want while you go kiss my professor!" you yelled, "You never know, he could be cheating as well. You two could be perfect for each other if that's the case." You looked straight at Ben.

"[Y/n], let me explain," Ben walked closer to you. "What's going on between you two," your mom became curious. "My boyfriend just cheated on me with you. That's what happened. You can keep him," you looked at them in total disgust and ran out. Ben tried to go for you but your mom stopped him.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now