Insane (6)

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At first, you and Ben were good at keeping it a good secret. Then, you started getting called on set to make sure the actors were not hurting themselves during set. Everyone saw how you and Ben could not separate from each other. There was no touching or kissing, but everyone saw how you two were hardcore flirting.

Those days ended with Ben's cast mates asking him if there wasn't really anything going on between him and you. Ben denied per your request.

Two more months had passed. Each and every week you would stay less time on set. Not because you didn't want to, but because you had to leave to the hospital. You still haven't told Ben what was going on, but you couldn't at the time. He was super busy with his schedule and you didn't want to shift his focus.

You promised to tell him what was going on after he was done shooting all his scenes. Ben made sure to text you everyday to make sure you were okay. You responded every single time that you were. It got to a point where Benedict Wong also noticed your absence since you weren't giving him a massage most time of the week.

It got even worse by the last month of shooting. You worked 4 days of the week. You usually worked 7. Each week, the days dwindled down. It went from four, to three days the next week, then two. Ben made sure to visit the days you were in.

"Hey Love," Ben spoke up as he entered the empty tent. You were wiping a few tears from your eyes. "Oh baby, I wish you could tell me so I could be there for you," he went to your side and immediately embraced you.

You sniffled, "One more week, then I promise I'll tell you." You conjured a fake smile. Ben knew it wasn't a real one, but he was glad you were at least trying to smile. "Lets just sit on the couch and just cuddle if you want," Ben grabbed onto your hands and led you to the couch.

You two sat there in silence, holding hands. Your head was on his chest as your mind raced with so many thoughts. All Ben could do was offer you comfort. What you both didn't know was that there was a small gap to the entrance of the tent. Someone saw the position you and Ben were in.


"I knew it!" Benedict Wong loudly exclaimed as he saw Ben near his trailer. It almost scared the shit out of him. "Knew what?" Ben furrowed his eyebrows. "You and Y/n have been together all this time," Wong, not very quietly said. Ben immediately shushed him and invited him into his trailer.

He had to tell him what had happened from the beginning or else his friend would not stop asking questions. He didn't go into detail, just the small things that were important to the plot. "She's been having a hard month, and she won't tell me why, but she says as soon as I do my last scene, she'll tell me," Benedict said to Benedict.

"She's very respectful of your time, so you should be as well. I think something isn't going well and I think it's those trips to the hospital. You said she mentioned the cardiac unit?" His friend questioned. "Yeah she mentioned that a long while ago. All she says now is that she's going to the hospital. She was crying today. I know she went yesterday," Ben rubbed his index finger with his thumb.

"I believe her if she says she's okay. There's a couple days until we're all done here. So I say you wait it out until she tells you," Wong patted Ben on his shoulder.


He did wait it out. Ben texted you, but it took you hours to respond. The last day you went on set was the last day Ben saw you, the day Wong had seen you two. He was sending you one last text inviting you to the after party they were all going to have because the last scene was finally filmed. He sent the text, but you didn't respond. Ben constantly checked his phone, but it didn't even say that you had read the message.

"They're waiting for your toast!" Xotchil waived over at Ben. He conjured up a smile and walked over the the last standing crew of the night. Everyone with an apple cider in hand.

After a couple of hours, Ben checked his phone. No response from you.

'Hey darling, I missed you today. I hope you're okay. It was the last day on set, so I'm all ears when you're ready. Will you be coming to the party in a few days or should we skip it? I hope you have a relaxed and good night. See you soon.'

He sent the text and laid back on his bed. With a nervous feeling in his gut, he barely went to sleep.


A week had passed. You hadn't answered to a single text or picked up any phone calls. After a few days, his messages were not showed as delivered. This is when Ben started freaking out. Normally, he would be out of set and be heading home, but since there has been radio silence from you, he wasn't comfortable going home.

Wong had told Xotchil about you and Ben. When they both found out that there was no communication for the past week, they decided to stay a while as well. They were all eating some lunch in the cafe they had on set. Ben ran out of all options and had no idea what to do.

"We could ask her higher up where she's been, but I don't know who that would be," Wong brought up. "Or we can call the hospitals. Sometimes when we say we're okay, we don't mean it 100% of the time," Xotchil brought up. Both men had not thought of that.

Ben immediately got up from the table and walked to his trailer. Wong and Xotchil followed right behind.

To find the correct hospital was going to be tough. They each had to call all hospitals with a 50 mile radius and ask to speak with someone in the cardiology department. That was if they even gave any information out.

With all the wait times, it took all three of them to go through 5 hospitals in 2 hours. There were 15 more to go. Ben was becoming anxious and frustrated. He was put on hold again. He had his face in his hands.

"Yes, I'm looking for Y/n L/n," he heard Xotchil repeat again. "Yes, I'm a friend of the family. I heard she might have been checked in at the hospital recently," she continued. This was the first time someone has gotten through.

She immediately got up and put the phone on speaker and on the table so both men could hear. "Please wait one second to pull her file," the lady at the phone said. They thought it was a dead end again since it was another hold, but it only lasted for a couple of seconds.

"Who was this again?" The lady asked. A little hope sparked again. "Xotchil L/N. I'm actually family. We're just very worried and we want to make sure our family is ok. Or see what they need help with," she responded. There was a minimal pause, then a sigh, "I'm sorry Miss L/n, but I'm afraid our records indicate that Y/n L/n passed away 10 days ago. Since you are family, that is all I'm able to disclose. A family relative has already identified her body and they are in the process of making funeral arrangements. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss."

Ben's heart stopped for a moment. His breathing became uncontrollable and stepped away from the table. Xotchil with tears in her eyes quickly asked if it was because of the ongoing heart problems and the lady on the other lined confirmed. That's all she could say. Xotchil thanked her for the information and hung up.

Ben's eyes had been red in those few seconds. Everyone had that same feeling of dread and distraught. "No, it can't be. I saw her..," he thought for a second, "12 days ago. She was okay," Ben sat down on his couch. Wong followed him, "She was in and out of the hospital. She wouldn't tell you for maybe this reason."

Ben shook his head. They tried to calm him down, but he was hysterical. Wong had sent Xotchil to her trailer, especially since she had to catch a plane in a couple of hours. Before she left, she hugged Ben and told him to reach out in case more news came up. She didn't want to believe it either.

His friend was with him until Ben finally crashed in his bed. He wasn't going to sleep, but at least he was in his bed. Wong told him to call him if he needed anything. It was barely 9pm, but Ben was barely doing anything. He was too busy being in his head.

A text noise stopped his train of thought. He picked of his phone to see a message he didn't expect to see:

Kevin Feige:
'Hey Ben, I'll be on set tomorrow. Meet me at my office at 9am. See you there.'

What was this text all about?

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